
be author in a sentence

1) Royal is the author unless otherwise noted.

2) This week's theme is local authors.

author collocations
3) What impression was the author trying to leave?

4) He is also author of seven books.

be author example sentences

5) Briggs is the latest author to answer.

6) He is the author of nine published works.

7) He is an author and conference speaker.

8) She is an accomplished author and mom.

9) He is the author of four published photography books.

10) Susan is a published author and poet.

11) There are probably more authors that others would recognize.

12) He is the author of 16 academic articles.

13) She was the author of several books.

14) He was an important religious author and hymn writer.

example sentences with author

15) Wilson is the author of many book series.

16) She was a prolific author and actress thereafter.

17) Astor was the author of five novels.

18) Reynolds is author of three books and numerous journal articles.

19) is the author advocating for forced housing relocation?

20) Many of our contributors are best selling authors .

21) Why are n't authors supposed to expect payment too?

22) The views expressed herein are the author's own.

23) The views presented are the author's alone.

24) The views expressed are the author's alone.

25) Martina Cole is a very talented author.

26) Listed odds of winning are author's opinion.

27) Attempts study meals, are authors Psychological antibodies available month.

How to use author in a sentence

28) Terry.....you are a talented author.

29) I am the author of my own life.

30) What is the author suggesting by these comparisons?

31) He is an author of both magazine articles and books.

32) Carr is a promising CF author to watch.

33) were there a few authors that consistently had more readers?

34) He is the author of fifteen books of poetry.

35) Antony Johnston is an author and graphic designer.

36) The tradition is that John is the author.

37) Who is the author of this story?

38) Nancy Darryl is the author of three novels.

39) He is the author of seventeen published works in those fields.

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in a sentence