
be abrupt in a sentence

1) The departure was abrupt , without explanation.

2) This also helps you avoid being abrupt .

3) Often the beginnings and endings are abrupt .

be abrupt example sentences

4) With digital systems, the cutoff point is much more abrupt .

5) The climatic changes were often abrupt , measurable in decades.

6) Plus. that ending was far too abrupt .

7) Although quite young she was rather abrupt in her manner.

8) He was often abrupt with her in public.

9) But if my words are abrupt my heart is true.

10) Though he is abrupt , he is not unfriendly.

11) The reaction can be abrupt , dramatic and long lasting.

12) Her departure, when it came, was spectacularly abrupt .

13) Otherwise the change is too abrupt for your body to handle.

14) The transition was then less abrupt than has since become the habit.

15) Trained combination may be generally abrupt to permit in older elections.

use be abrupt in a sentence

16) Also the ending of the book seemed to be abrupt .

17) The transition was so abrupt that it took her by surprise.

18) Onset is often gradual, though it can be abrupt .

19) The square format is quite abrupt , giving a sense of dynamism.

20) The beginning starts halfway through the story and the end is unexpectedly abrupt .

21) The change need not be abrupt .

22) If the onset is abrupt , collapse, shock and vomiting may occur.

23) The undersides of nosings shall not be abrupt .

24) By any measure, the appearance of the Cambrian fossils was abrupt .

25) Yet the slowdown was even more abrupt than expected in Q1 2014.

26) Not always John – sometimes the transition to a cold phase is incredibly abrupt .

27) This process . was not abrupt , but gradual and lasted for generations.

28) The dropoff into Sheridan Hollow, on the north, is abrupt .

How to use be abrupt in a sentence

29) The break with Sophia was as abrupt as it had been with Julia.

30) She isn't afraid to ask questions that others are thinking and is very abrupt .

31) And Lara 's character arc from frightened teen to one-woman army is rather abrupt .

32) The corners are really abrupt .

33) Sometimes, too, we 're more abrupt with colleagues than with external sources.

34) With her second child , now 7, the decision to perform surgery was abrupt .

35) The curve looks much smoother and the edge roll-off has begun to be less abrupt .

36) The introduction of this bit of "obvious" psychology is very abrupt , almost clumsy.

37) The incubation period is short, usually 18-24 hours, and onset is abrupt .

38) Nothing is abrupt ; there is an even ebb and flow to the methods.

39) The transition to the English language was abrupt , forced by World War One.

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