
azure in a sentence

1) Around 500 units were sold before azure stopped production.

2) azure or blue signified loyalty and truth.

azure collocations
3) Soft white clouds remained motionless against an azure blue sky.

4) azure symbolizes the blue sky over the steppe.

azure example sentences

5) The company's Microsoft azure cloud platform saw revenue double.

6) Thin streaks of high cloud trailed across an azure sky.

7) Mina refers to the azure color of heaven.

8) azure smiled with pleasure her spirit floating on a pillow cloud.

9) In March 2012 azure lowered its storage pricing by 12 percent.

10) She is now a Windows azure consultant.

11) JS apps on the Windows azure cloud.

12) The shares in azure Corporation are worth $1,000 each.

13) By April 2014, azure claimed over 20 trillion objects stored.

14) Host plant for the spring azure butterfly.

example sentences with azure

15) Start with the attention grabbing azure paint.

16) It is very beautiful: the azure water clear and cold.

17) The sun shone out of a clear azure sky.

18) Prince azure has a hat for this game only.

19) A user can be authenticated to azure AD directly.

20) Microsoft recognized the opportunity and responded with their azure program.

21) The pampering azure Spa completes this idyllic scene.

22) For details, see Create an azure account .

23) For more information, see Windows azure Pack installation requirements .

24) The binding between azure A and heparin is weak and reversible.

25) Four separate areas in the South besides azure city are briefly shown.

26) Pretty amazing that the entire Windows azure storage platform is offline globally .

27) Lush and warm vocal harmonies clearly delivery the azure Ray sound.

How to use azure in a sentence

28) SFSC did a lot to help the former azure students.

29) For azure skies and purple seas, we thank you.

30) azure (the colour blue) symbolises justice and loyalty.

31) Isn't it azure clear what the state expects?

32) Overall an escutcheon bearing azure an imperial eagle or.

33) Their wing and tail feathers are azure blue, shaded with gray.

34) azure is truly changing my life.

35) If you use Azure, it just became far more flexible.

36) Bring your questions about Windows azure to this highly interactive session.

37) General Chang is the leader of the azure City military.

38) Sign in to the azure Management Portal.

39) The second trifecta, colored in blue azure, symbolizes purity.

40) Blue (Azure) represents fortitude and loyalty.

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