
azotemia in a sentence

1) azotemia may be present with either upper or lower urinary tract obstruction.

2) The effect of azotemia on NCX-1 expression has not been studied.

3) Severe dehydration leads to pre-renal azotemia.

4) Case 1 A mature cat with azotemia underwent an excretory urogram at the referring veterinarian.

azotemia example sentences

5) Azotemia, metabolic acidosis, and hyperkalemia are common in cases of obstructive uropathy.

6) Other metabolic complications include azotemia, hyperammonemia, lipemia, and hypophosphatemia, as in refeeding syndrome.

7) Oliguria and azotemia develop in severe cases as a result of renal involvement due to hypoxia and toxemia.

8) Postrenal azotemia and hydronephrosis can be observed following the obstruction of urine flow through one or both ureters.

9) Proteinuria, urinary casts, azotemia, and metastatic calcification (especially in the kidneys) may develop.

10) At time of presentation the azotemia had already resolved (the diet was stopped two weeks previously I believe).

11) Urea accumulates, leading to azotemia and ultimately uremia (symptoms ranging from lethargy to pericarditis and encephalopathy).

12) No dogs from either group became azotemic during the study and none dropped out of the study due to worsening azotemia.

13) Hypoxemia and azotemia can markedly alter excretion, so the dosage of renally excreted drugs may require adjustment in compromised foals.

14) A reversal in the sleep–wake cycle may be a sign or complication of uremia, azotemia or acute renal failure.

example sentences with azotemia

15) Blood work and urinalysis should be repeated every 12 to 24 hours for 72 hours in asymptomatic patients to assess for hypercalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and azotemia.

16) For example, dogs with PLN may require only protein restriction in early stages of disease, but as the disease progresses and azotemia develops, phosphorus restriction may also be required.

17) A large proportion of animals with glomerular disease develop azotemia (i.e., IRIS stage 2, 3, or 4 CKD).

18) We recommend initially reducing total dietary protein intake by 25% to 50%, depending on the severity of proteinuria, azotemia, and clinical signs.

19) Initially there may be a painful event, but patients can present with or develop a fever, hypoxemia, azotemia, liver damage, altered mental state, or coma.

20) Polymixin B prevents endotoxin from binding to inflammatory cells, but is potentially nephrotoxic, so should be used with caution in horses with azotemia, especially neonatal foals.

21) Ureteral obstruction causes postrenal azotemia and hydronephrosis (distension and dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces), as well as spasm of the ureter.

22) azotemia may result from prerenal causes, such as hypovolemia associated with diarrhea, or from direct toxic damage to renal tissue by NSAIDs.

23) azotemia likely does not affect NCX-1 expression."

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