
aye aye in a sentence

1) aye aye can't help it now.

2) In the butt like, aye aye.

3) aye with their tankers, aye aye.

4) And plenty of drinks, aye aye.

aye aye example sentences

5) Aye, that was during the wartime, aye aye.

6) aye aye, and my father's anyway.

7) Oh for goodness sake how can I possibly see anything aye aye!

8) Oh aye aye up, aye.

9) Associated Press writer aye aye Win contributed from Yangon.

10) aye aye aye, d'you ever watch it like? conversation.

11) aye aye aye, d'you ever watch it like? conversation.

12) aye aye aye aye er .

13) aye aye aye aye er .

14) aye aye aye aye er .

example sentences with aye

15) Aye, aye aye oh!

16) MRTV television said Ne Win poured petrol over aye aye Win and set her on fire.

17) Oh aye aye aye.

18) Oh aye aye aye.

19) Oh aye aye aye.

20) Oh aye aye aye.

21) Spongebob: aye aye, sir. (takes brake apart) There you go, sir.

22) Aye, aye aye.

23) Oh aye aye aye.

24) Oh aye aye aye.

25) aye aye you see?

26) Durrell visited Madagascar in 1990 to start captive breeding of a number of endemic species like the aye aye.

27) Mounted mammals include a Lowland Gorilla, an aye Aye, and a Red Panda collected by Brian Houghton Hodgson.

How to use aye in a sentence

28) Tuesday's unrest in Lashio was sparked by a quarrel between two people, named by state media as aye aye Win, 24, a Buddhist woman who sold petrol, and Ne Win, a Muslim man aged 48.

29) Sylvester's final appearance alongside Tweety was 1964's "Hawaiian aye Aye", the only Sylvester and Tweety teamup to be directed by Gerry Chiniquy.

30) aye aye.

31) aye aye .

32) aye aye.

33) aye aye.

34) aye aye.

35) aye aye.

36) aye aye.

37) aye aye.

38) Planting about two hundred, three hundred, four hundred a day, depend on the crowd we had, aye aye, aye.

39) But erm towards about the sixth year, we used to plant about the average of fourteen, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen thousand, aye aye.

40) aye aye.

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