
axonemal in a sentence

1) The axonemal edge has simple hairs that can be of varying length.

2) axonemal dynein is larger and more complex than cytosolic dynein.

3) Model for dynein-mediated sliding of axonemal outer doublet microtubules.

4) axonemal dyneins are complex multimers of heavy chains, intermediate chains, and light chains.

axonemal example sentences

5) The components of the inner and outer dynein arms, the central-pair microtubules, and other axonemal structures have been similarly identified.

6) Elongation of cilia and flagella occurs by addition of αβ- tubulin subunits to the distal (+) end of axonemal microtubules.

7) Instead of the vesicle cargo transported by cytosolic dynein, axonemal dynein moves one microtubule across the surface of its neighboring microtubule (see Figure 19-32c ).

8) This model was originally proved by autoradiography of cells that were regenerating their flagella in the presence of radioactive tubulin subunits (and other axonemal components).

9) Isolated axonemal dyneins, when slightly denatured and spread out on an electron microscope grid, are seen as a bouquet of two or three "blossoms" ( Figure 19-32a ).

10) As in the movement of muscle during contraction, the basis for axonemal movement is the sliding of protein filaments relative to one another.

11) The A and B tubules of basal bodies continue into the axonemal shaft, whereas the C tubule terminates within the transition zone between the basal body and the shaft.

12) Thus axonemal microtubules, which have a long half-life, carry a "signature acetylation," which is absent from cytosolic microtubules that have a shorter half-life.

13) axonemal Microtubules Are Dynamic and Stable

14) axonemal Dyneins Are Multiheaded Motor Proteins

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