
axolemma in a sentence

1) The signaling pathways leading to axolemma degeneration are currently unknown.

2) Granular disintegration of the axonal cytoskeleton and inner organelles occurs after axolemma degradation.

3) Degeneration follows with swelling of the axolemma, and eventually leads to bead like formation.

4) In the node alone, the axolemma is contacted by several Schwann microvilli and contains a dense cytoskeletal undercoating.

axolemma example sentences

5) At the paranodal regions, the paranodal cytoplasm loops contact thickenings of the axolemma to form septate –like junctions.

6) Potassium channels are essentially absent in the nodal axolemma, whereas they are highly concentrated in the paranodal axolemma and Schwann cell membranes at the node.

7) Potassium channels are essentially absent in the nodal axolemma, whereas they are highly concentrated in the paranodal axolemma and Schwann cell membranes at the node.

8) In the PNS, specialized microvilli project from the outer collar of Schwann cells and come very close to nodal axolemma of large fibers.

9) In the internodal region, the Schwann cell has an outer collar of cytoplasm, a compact myelin sheath, and inner collar of cytoplasm, and the axolemma.

10) axolemma in neuronal processes - axons

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