
axo in a sentence

1) Sandy Yum is the principal of XO,axo with offices in New York and Los Angeles.

2) axo strives to help riders achieve and go beyond their limits in sports, thus better defining who they are as people and enrich their lives and well being through the activity of those sports.

3) axo develops, manufactures and distributes apparel, footwear and accessories for motorsport and cycle riding, for every level of riding skills: from beginner to champion.

4) The entire system was tested in November 2006, under the Prithvi Air Defence Exercise, when a prototype axo missile,successfully intercepted another Prithvi missile at a height of 50 km 0 abbr=on.

axo example sentences

5) "axos" 'timber' (Hes.

6) Central Cappadocian (Axo; Misthi) (See Misthiotica)

7) Axo","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1090970811},

8) The first few letters of lines 17 and 1 8 have now disappeared. 19. aXo) : see note on [39] 9.

9) Alpha Chi Omega (AXO) sorority also had a Simpson College chapter for over 100 years, before it closed its doors in the early 2000s.

10) axo Shredders Corp

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