
axis deer in a sentence

1) The whitetail and axis deer are exceptional.

2) The axis deer is a native of India.

axis collocations
3) Antlers on this axis deer are slender with few branches.

4) axis deer are the most abundant exotic ungulate in Texas.

axis deer example sentences

5) Thirsty invasive axis deer are encroaching on crops as they seek water.

6) In addition to the whitetails, I saw a number of axis deer, including several bucks.

7) Our spring hunt for Aoudad, axis deer and all the hogs we see was on.

8) Anatomically, axis deer are more closely allied to the North American elk than to our native deer.

9) Like our elk, rutting male axis deer emit bugle-like bellows, and both sexes have alarm calls or barks.

10) The beautifully spotted chital, or axis deer, at around 200 lb (90 kg) is ideal leopard prey.

11) I don't know if you have ever hunted axis deer before, but in my opinion, they are a little tuffer to hunt than the whitetail deer.

12) I have been hunting axis deer around the state for about 6 or 7 years now and the best buck I have to date came off the West Kerr 2 years ago.

13) Based on these experiences, I can truthfully say that the fantastic whitetail hunting can only be matched by the great hunting for axis deer .

14) Although Briley was a little disappointed I didn't shoot, I could tell she was consoled by getting so close to a wild axis deer .

example sentences with axis

15) In most deer the beauty of the species depends on the quality of the antlers on the stags this is not true with the axis deer .

16) Unlike our native deer, adult male axis deer normally are found living with herds of young and old animals of both sexes.

17) Native to India, where it is known as the "chital," the axis deer was introduced into Texas about 1932.

18) The tule elk and the native black-tailed deer had been hunted, and the population of the black-tailed deer had also been suppressed by two introduced competitors, axis deer and fallow deer.

19) Indian blackbuck, nilgai, axis deer, fallow deer and barasingha can now be found on hunting ranches in Texas, where they were introduced for sport hunting.

20) (b) Fallow, sambar, sika, and axis deer may be taken only concurrently with the general deer season.

21) (c) Fallow deer, sambar deer, axis deer, sika deer, aoudad, mouflon, tahr and feral goats may be taken only with the equipment and ammunition specified in Section 353 of these regulations.

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