
axiology in a sentence

1) By definition, scientific axiology determines value through knowledge.

2) Scientific axiology is probably the least popular overall.

3) This is why scientific axiology is so little known or understood.

4) Scientific axiology is the youngest approach to determining value.

axiology example sentences

5) In the light of scientific axiology, knowledge is good.

6) Blaga's metaphysical axiology also follows this conception.

7) Scientific axiology can be traced under different names to innumerous philosophers and thinkers.

8) Lossky's axiology was the teaching of first principles dialectically.

9) As such, scientific axiology cannot be older that the scientific method itself.

10) If love cannot be proven valuable, scientific axiology calls for game theoretical cooperation.

11) axiology (Thanatopsis: 2003) Buckethead goes Smooth Jazz.

12) The paradigms axiology, ontology, epistemology, and methodology are reflective of social justice practice in evaluation.

13) Bowne also held that persons have value (see axiology, value theory, and ethics).

14) It might be thought undesirable, however, to have such arbitrariness embedded in the foundations of axiology.

example sentences with axiology

15) Cognitivism is, in Axiology, the thesis that propositions about values can be objectively true or false.

16) Scientific axiology overlaps with he concept of consequentialism in which one should do action A iff A maximizes good.

17) Peña has proposed a pluralistic axiology in order to deal with the debate between deontological and consequentialist approaches in ethics.

18) One approach to modifying the aggregation rule attempts to extend axiology by introducing rules for ranking worlds that contain infinite goods.

19) Naturalism is, in Axiology, the thesis that the truth of propositions about values can be derived from facts about nature.

20) Although it has been nearly two centuries ago, what Pierre-Simon de Laplace said still holds true for axiology and science in general: What we know is not much.

21) Earlier I tried to show that hedonists, religious people and proponents of scientific axiology should overwhelmingly consider gaining knowledge as beneficial for themselves.

22) In scientific axiology, knowledge is a direct path towards understanding goodness and acting good (even though we may not be able to determine intrinsic value today).

23) In agnostic axiology, value is determined by the search for value and the seemingly perpetual inability to certify that value does not exist.

24) The effort to explain value with reason intensified from century to century, and culminated in the 20th century with the crystallization of the formal approach to axiology.

25) Aquinas's attempt to reconcile religion with Aristotelian logic might be seen as a vigorous pursuit of scientific axiology limited by the scientific methodology available at his time.

26) In other words, we can only follow our natural instincts (hedonism), use faith and reason (religion) or resort solely to scientific method (scientific axiology).

27) Compatibility is, in Axiology, the principle that fundamental values must be relatively compatible with the natural appetites and desires of the valuer.

28) Maximality is, in Axiology, the principle that if a value is fundamental then there being too much of it is impossible.

29) Impartiality is, in Axiology, the principle that a fundamental value cannot favor a particular thing over other relevantly similar things.

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