
awl in a sentence

1) These awls were very important and were kept in special cases.

2) Use an awl to mark each gear centre.

3) awls and needles were made of bone and horn.

4) An awl slipped and plunged into his eye.

awl example sentences

5) She is currently resident photographer at The Awl.

6) An awl to make holes in things.

7) He ordered him again to take awls.

8) Dave awl is now available for download.

9) Use the awl marks to drill out the bottom land.

10) awl (above) is in it.

11) The barbarians search him, and discover an awl and flint.

12) Using your awl, pierce sewing stations.

13) Using your awl, pierce the sewing stations.

14) And the boy strew the awls behind him.

example sentences with awl

15) Olive was foolishly flipping an awl when her timing went terribly wrong.

16) All that I live with by is with the awl.

17) Knives, scissors, and awls had to be imported.

18) It contained tools such as choppers, burins and awls.

19) In August, Adams also began blogging for The Awl.

20) It says "he will pierce his ear with an awl"!

21) The awl 10's jet-like flame withstands wind and rain.

22) This layers consists mainly of bone points and awls, and stone scrapers.

23) Truly sir, all that I live by is with the awl.

24) Bones and pieces of metal were sharpened at one end to make awls.

25) Using an awl, eyeball and mark the centre of each bottom land.

26) awls, scissors, pins, needles and thread for mending were required.

27) We and awl do not own or operate any ship or transport service.

How to use awl in a sentence

28) Use a Pic, awl or small flat head screwdriver and remove.

29) awls for piercing holes in baskets, leather and shells were made from animal bone.

30) Neolithic assemblages (hand adzes, polished Celts, awls etc.).

31) Soviet crews called it ""shilo"" (awl) because of its shape.

32) He rarely trained with us and was basically awl for most of his stay .

33) I meddle with no tradesmen's matter nor women's matter but with awl.

34) On his belt was a knife, an awl and an flint for making fires.

35) The awl has been particularly disgusting in how it's responded to the Ukraine situation.

36) Truly sir truly sir all that I live with with by is with the awl.

37) Vanya, the awl is a pro-US and pro-NATO organisation through and through.

38) You can tell The awl that too ( annoyed at their knifecrime island tag).

39) I meddle with no tradesman's matters nor women's matters, but with awl.

40) Primitive human populations use the leg and wing bones of birds and fowl for sewing awls.

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