
awkwardness in a sentence

1) This social awkwardness has been called "active but odd".

2) The style guide rules allow exceptions to avoid awkwardness.

3) The old friends had drifted away in awkwardness .

4) They both eventually handled this awkwardness with considerable delicacy.

awkwardness example sentences

5) The awkwardness of this position is immediately apparent.

6) The road to greatness is paved with awkwardness.

7) The awkwardness comes from scale and structure.

8) Different people have different issues around awkwardness.

9) It doesn't weave humour from awkwardness.

10) But the bottom line is that confusion and awkwardness are natural.

11) Holly comes under fire for her awkwardness on set.

12) She was a woman of mixed awkwardness and determination.

13) Different stages of life have different types of awkwardness.

14) awkwardness is the consciousness of a false position.

example sentences with awkwardness

15) It would only cause awkwardness between us.

16) What is at the root of awkwardness?

17) The left side is often associated with awkwardness and clumsiness.

18) Some confusion or awkwardness in positioning can occur with various signs.

19) Her English was accurate enough, but there were slight awkwardnesses.

20) awkwardness is often a temporary aspect of learning a new skill.

21) There is also awkwardness and in extreme cases, disaster.

22) The author never comments on the awkwardness of this situation.

23) Nothing creates a greater prejudice against any one than awkwardness.

24) And both sides brace for the awkwardness of the reunion .

25) Consider telling them one-on-one to avoid jealousy or awkwardness.

26) An aura of awkwardness will radiate from his suit .

27) There was disbelief in it, and awkwardness.

How to use awkwardness in a sentence

28) Its very awkwardness symbolises the strained relationship.

29) She's got this awkwardness in her.

30) But using a wearable device like Glass could avoid that awkwardness.

31) The awkwardness of the moment subsided, but killed the date.

32) However, her media appearances have been criticised for their awkwardness.

33) There's nothing tricky, no awkwardness in the process.

34) After some initial awkwardness, Kitty and Peter resumed dating.

35) They heal us of awkwardness by their words and looks.

36) Finger to near off and youwell this awkwardness those.

37) Later, she begins to encounter awkwardness with Liam.

38) Her own laughter dispelled the awkwardness of the moment.

39) Those first few minutes. a. Don't fear awkwardness.

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