
awful time in a sentence

1) It was such an awful time for me.

2) They have an awful time to get men.

awful collocations
3) I had the most awful time with him.

4) I have had the most awful time with my magic jack.

awful time example sentences

5) This comes at an awful time.

6) Remember the awful time, you had at Rollercoaster UK?

7) It was in the late sixties, an awful time in Cecilia's opinion.

8) Since the deer population exploded around here, we have an awful time with ticks.

9) No pressure and no cost at such an awful time is something I will always appreciate .

10) Sounds like you are having an awful time and my heart goes out to you.

11) He still looked rather composed; in truth, he was shocked, suspended in awful time.

12) But he shook it all off, and it had taken an awful time to do.

13) I know that this is an awful time, and nothing really can make it better.

14) I intend to keep taking it slow and hopefully I won't go through that awful time again.

example sentences with awful

15) Then Bolton bagged what proved to be the match-winner at an awful time for the Reds.

16) You'll have an awful time trying to get that angel back out if it causes problems.

17) If she really didn't have an awful time, maybe I was just in the wrong headspace to notice.

18) I had an awful time getting the fire going again tonight - my firelogs were wet and didn't catch well.

19) We lost our home, she had breast cancer, and I had just entered real estate at an awful time.

20) Looking at the team - Lukic had an awful time last year, was as bad as when we got relegated.

21) The truth isn't that eventually you will accept the loss of your baby and forget all about this awful time.

22) Oh, I had an awful time of it this last month.' 'Very well,' I said.

23) Have been kept busy all day writing - Had an awful time to get the monthly Return of the 12" correct.

24) Having had an awful time in the pool this morning, I decided to take lunch and go out on my bike.

25) In the midst of it, those were awful, awful times, and Im really not sure how I survived mentally and physically intact.

26) I've seen trials where the dogs were having an awful time getting ducks off the back fence in which the ducks were held in crates right next to the fence.

27) They wanted their turn. ... I remember this awful time when you were really torn, and really didn't know which way to go.

28) Array This week I have been moved by historic tales of awful times and by three separate stories in as many days of failed care.

29) I don't think it is a feeling of superiority as much as pride that they have risen from that awful time and human rights are a vital part of German society.

30) It reminds me of the awful time TLC decided to get rid of Paige and let the designers lead the Trading Spaces families–ONLY MUCH WORSE!

31) It was my rule in those awful times and awful circumstances never to betray any softness or sympathy: it would have been unkind.

32) Nova is having an awful time at prom, and when Ali tells her the fountain centrepiece is broken, she cannot take it any more.

33) In this book Williams describes Hobbes writing of "Behemoth" as an attempt to "capture the spirit of those awful times and to suggest emphatically that they should not be repeated".

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