
awful tale in a sentence

1) I had heard awful tales of Spanish prisons.

2) The awful tale of a Harmless Boy.

awful collocations
3) They were in metaphorical chains themselves, like slaves, and their lives were awful tales of squalor and misery.

4) John, your present temperance is admirable but, selfishly, I am comforted by your inclusion of that awful tale.

awful tale example sentences

5) I had assumed that his disability had hindered him and he was going to tell me an awful tale, but far from it.

6) The authors recount one awful tale about how it took a metalworking company two decades, and the Supreme Court's intervention, to sack a man repeatedly caught asleep on the job.

7) "Three Ninjas" is a positively awful tale of about three plucky youngsters who take down a crime lord.

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