
awesome task in a sentence

1) This awesome task is done by a balance of hormones.

2) RSVP Keeping track of who's been invited is an awesome task.

awesome collocations
3) They were impressed by the security needs of the USSR and its awesome task of reconstruction.

4) A Word Judges assume an awesome task in evaluating a case and deciding a case on its merits.

awesome task example sentences

5) Safeguarding and making the most of your financial resource in these days of complex legislation can be an awesome task.

6) As he was carrying a good supply already, Shorty was faced with the awesome task of eating 21 food when he made camp. (Burp!

7) On Wednesday April 20, we received the news of the election of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope Benedict XVI, and begin immediately to pray for his fidelity in his awesome task.

8) Newly crowned European champion Hayley Yelling-Higham faces an awesome task when facing Tirunesh Dibaba at the Bupa Great Edinburgh International Cross Country in the New Year.

9) The Glasgow side must beat Neuchatel Xamax 4-0 at Parkhead tomorrow night to qualify for the third round of the UEFA Cup, but Brady believes his side can accomplish that awesome task.

10) One project that was underway on the day of the trophy presentation was the awesome task of repainting Vulcan B.2 XM594.

11) Ben Clarke, of Bath, has the awesome task of dislodging Dean Richards at No 8 if he is to make his England debut on Saturday.

12) "Reverence for truth leads to humility in the face of the awesome task of getting something right" Paul Woodruff

13) It all adds up to an awesome task, but, come what may, the 'Buns' are determined to enjoy themselves and, in the words of secretary Allen Morris,'savour the moment.'

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