
awareness raising in a sentence

1) It is a process of awareness raising .

2) A lot of valuable learning and awareness raising took place.

awareness collocations
3) All good for awareness raising .

4) AvMA also suggest the evidence should collect and propose a programme of training and awareness raising .

awareness raising example sentences

5) The group will organize dialogue between communities and communities to propose alternatives and provide awareness raising and informational tools.

6) What instruments was the Working Group considering as one of the possible ways of carrying out awareness raising ?

7) The purpose of this awareness raising is to influence international actors to compel Israel to cease its human rights violations.

8) Especially, in the case of traditional tribes, awareness raising is shown to be an important but long process.

9) Public Health England is responsible for delivering public health improvement, through prevention and awareness raising and protection and infection control.

10) Research and Degrowth network Academic association dedicated to research, awareness raising, and events organization around the topic of degrowth.

11) There are many ways to support sustainable land management through policy, innovation, changing agricultural practices and education and awareness raising .

12) New engagement models for awareness raising and behaviour change need to be developed, including for instance nudging and gamification. 3.

13) Work incorporating explicit documentary material can dovetail successfully with social movements, enlivening events, and serving as a mechanism for fundraising, awareness raising, or mobilization.

14) Wider awareness raising and education on economic and social rights, not only for the general public, but also for professional groups, is needed in Namibia.

example sentences with awareness

15) Prevention is often conflated with early intervention or the response to existing violence, or else limited to awareness raising or social marketing campaigns.

16) Training and awareness raising is essential for the successful implementation of the Law on the Prevention of Domestic Violence and the Protection of the Victims.

17) He said the component of the CLFZ would include awareness raising, social mobilization, bridge school and support for teachers and improved education system.

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