
award title in a sentence

1) Glitter Rose now holds six AIMA award titles.

2) awarded title of "honoris causa" by the University of Salamanca (2008).

award collocations
3) Position titles are emblazoned above the school emblem on the blazer pocket whilst award titles are emblazoned below.

4) Many Kennel Clubs also award titles to those who manage to qualify enough times in a particular level.

award title example sentences

5) In 2007, she was awarded title of Youth Ambassador by "We The Youth", a talent promotion organisation.

6) Ladhha Bharmal's son Ruda Ladhha Chawra also became a major contractor and was awarded title "Rai Sahib" by British.

7) The path you choose can be reflected in your award
8) Ronaldo has won it only once in his career, while Messi has become a record holder when it comes to the most number of FIFA Ballon d'Or award titles won.

9) Being knighted, Stanford used the awarded title "Sir Allen" often; he was also generally referred as such by Antiguans and internationally.

10) Penn State is a fencing powerhouse, winning a record 13 national championships in the sport since the NCAA began awarding titles in combined men's and women's fencing in 1990.

11) A feature at many bear events is a "bear contest," a sort of masculine beauty pageant awarding titles and sashes (often made of leather ) to winners.

12) Italy Serie A – Inter Milan awarded title after initial winners Juventus were stripped of the title due to involvement in the 2006 Serie A match fixing scandal.

13) It is traditional for performers who have reached a distinguished level of achievement to be awarded titles of respect; Hindus are usually referred to as "pandit" and Muslims as "ustad".

14) In 1953, FIDE abolished the old regulations, although a provision was maintained that allowed older masters who had been overlooked to be awarded titles.

example sentences with award

15) This published work earned him an award titled the American Association Prize and five hundred dollars from Burton E. Livingston of the Committee on awards.

16) In return, they were awarded titles by the imperial court and tremendous wealth in the form of a camphor monopoly, until the cession of Taiwan to Japan in 1895.

17) the appropriateness of the programme against the desired group award

18) awards to Hermann Lenz (award titles in German):

19) BOG Practitioner Excellence award

20) award

21) award

22) award

23) award

24) award

25) award

26) award

27) award

28) award

29) award

30) award

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