
award penalty in a sentence

1) Circling before an obstacle and refusals are also awarded penalty points.

2) Equestrian: Bettina Hoy of Germany crosses the start line twice, and is awarded penalty points.

award collocations
3) Both sides could make out a case that they deserved to win and should have been awarded penalties.

4) Other courts refuse to award penalties greater than the minimum amount if the Government fails to justify a higher penalty.

award penalty example sentences

5) Ash Moeke had a chance to reduce the deficit to 2 but could not pull the kick left from the awarded penalty.

6) In stoppage time, Gaël Clichy was penalised for a foul on Stuart Parnaby in the penalty area; McFadden scored Birmingham's awarded penalty to draw the match 2–2.

7) Going faster or slower than this means the driver is awarded penalties for each second: knocking a ball down adds a further five penalties.

8) Van Gaal also criticised the referees who had awarded penalties against the Dutch in both of their matches, calling the decisions "unjustified" and "incorrect".

9) The courts may award penalties under §§1 and 2, which are measured according to the size of the company or the business.

10) awards penalty kicks

11) " Sam Allardyce, the West Ham manager, felt Jarvis was punished for being too honest and believes referees only award penalties when players go down.

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