
award in a sentence

1) Only select institutions are awarded such status.

2) These awards recognize marketing excellence among construction industry professionals.

award collocations
3) The damages awarded were thus increased substantially.

4) The building has won prestigious architectural awards.

award example sentences

5) This award is based upon financial need.

6) Each participating campus provides multiple awards annually.

7) Tournament crises are formed towards incorrectly elected awards.

8) Technology development contracts are typically awarded through competition.

9) The maximum award amount is $2000.

10) Maritime administration vessel recycling contract award practices.

11) This property awards such codes powerful burst error correction capabilities.

12) Construction contracts are awarded through competitive bidding.

13) Actual awards under infringement doctrines vary considerably.

14) Scott was awarded nearly $5 million.

example sentences with award

15) It has won several national excellent teaching awards.

16) The video received recognition through numerous awards.

17) Since 1989 special placement has been awarded.

18) The plaintiff was awarded £500 damages.

19) She has received many honorary degrees awards.

20) Alexander was awarded £1000 damages plus costs.

21) The original punitive damages award was $20 million.

22) His book has won five international book awards.

23) MBA grants are awarded based upon estimated family contribution.

24) The dealer is awarded 1 dump point.

25) The program often features audience participation games where prizes are awarded.

26) The regiment was awarded 116 battle honours.

27) The award winning magazine has been published continuously since 1875.

How to use award in a sentence

28) A winning hand is automatically awarded 20 "fu".

29) The game won multiple awards upon release.

30) The scholarship is awarded every four years.

31) The award is presented annually during reunion weekend.

32) The newspaper has won numerous awards nationally.

33) A service is held where prizes are awarded.

34) The medal has been awarded annually ever since.

35) The show has received multiple award nominations.

36) The prize has been awarded annually since 1985.

37) The library has won numerous architectural awards.

38) Degrees without honors are awarded "rite".

39) Five years must pass between each diamond award.

40) The site has won international environmental awards.

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