
award grade in a sentence

1) It was awarded grade II listed status in October 2008.

2) Additionally senior members with specific civilian professional qualifications may be awarded grade on the basis of their professional qualifications.

award collocations
3) Based on the performance in the examinations and in the class, the students are awarded grades on absolute basis.

4) With the GCSE, this system was replaced by criterion referencing, which awarded grades purely on the correct answers given.

award grade example sentences

5) In New Zealand, both Masters and Bachelors with Honours are awarded graded. (e.g. - A Master of Science with First Class Honours) The bachelors degree is the standard university qualification.

6) In 2004, the general section of the college was awarded grade 'A' after accreditation by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council.

7) Spring cottage was awarded grade II listed status in 1986 and in 1997 the hotel company which leased Cliveden House from the National Trust also acquired the lease to the cottage.

8) " The report (submitted) by the chairman indicates that the entire (expert) team agrees that they have awarded grade B with CGPA 2.835 and not grade A with 3.105.

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