
await news in a sentence

1) Chávez's suite,"" awaiting news.

2) Syrian television shut down while awaiting news of Assad's fate.

await collocations
3) Ponomarev was at home and awaited news all night long.

4) Not while they anxiously awaited news of Lionel Messi's injury.

await news example sentences

5) Emmeline and her maid Matilda await news of the battle.

6) Both factions awaited news of how Buchanan would deal with the question.

7) The conspirators involved awaited news of their plot in Dunchurch in Warwickshire.

8) I eagerly await news of how you execute your professional responsibility in this regard.

9) Introduced by an arioso for cello, Giulietta awaits news of the fighting.

10) Family members of passengers of a missing Malaysia Airlines flight await news at the airport.

11) He also provided emotional support to his colleagues while awaiting news and developments of the outside.

12) They thus debated whether they should withdraw from Artemisium, whilst they awaited news from Thermopylae.

13) Stravinsky joined her at Gargenville, where they awaited news of the German attack against France.

14) However as this has been restructured at May 2010 and web pages abolished, we are awaiting news.

example sentences with await

15) Cargo operations were secured that night, as all hands eagerly awaited news about Japan's future actions.

16) What do the friends and relatives of the crew feel back on earth as they await news?

17) Durie, meanwhile, is still awaiting news of his appeal against an FA verdict of feigning injury.

18) Four miles away at Caughton Court the wives of the Gunpowder plotters awaited news of the plot.

19) From a distance, family members awaited news as black smoke drifted from the prison and helicopters patrolled overhead.

20) The outer walls of the palace are thronged throughout the night by crowds eagerly awaiting news of the outcome.

21) Fulton Paterson, the Anglo-Scots' secretary, and Ansen Westbrook eagerly await news of any newcomers.

22) This much awaited news has been hard to keep quiet and has taken all my resolve to do so.

23) English warships, also awaiting news of war, reacted too late to offer their protectorate flags to Mexico.

24) Bakuto and his men await news of Matt Murdock's death and hear a knock at the door.

25) While Riel awaited news from Ottawa he considered returning to Montana, but had by February resolved to stay.

26) In the garden, the mood was flat, awaiting news of Ali and which two were being sent home.

27) Family members of missing passengers hug as they await news of their missing relatives at Jindo Gymnasium on April 19.

28) Still to come: Greenpeace awaits news of one of its ships which has been seized by the Soviet authorities.

29) By early Saturday morning large crowds of concerned relatives and off-duty miners had gathered silently at the pit head awaiting news.

30) During the Kremlin meeting, Ribbentrop several times telephoned Hitler, who was nervously awaiting news at his country estate in Bavaria.

31) I'M still awaiting news about the eventual buyer of Showerings, the cider company put on the market by owner Allied.

32) The fate of Farnsworths jaded troopers rested with their division commander, Brig. Gen. Judson Kilpatrick, who impatiently awaited news from his superiors while keeping his cavalry in limbo.

33) Iraqi exiles in Jordan: Hopes and fears In a small hotel in Amman, Iraqis gathered to watch the war in their homeland unfold on al-Jazeera and CNN, anxiously awaiting news from loved ones.

34) Finally, I believe that many people around the world will be awaiting news on the outcome of this case and be hopeful that justice will be fairly dispensed to Vladik Filler based on all the evidence.

35) Duncan, awaiting news of the execution, is assured by his son Malcolm that, though the executioners have not returned, reports have come of the death of Thane of Cawdor.

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