
await instruction in a sentence

1) In July he was at Cologne awaiting instructions.

2) The two fighters then stand at attention awaiting instructions to begin.

await collocations
3) We await instruction from the Clerk of Court.

4) His head was cocked to one side as if awaiting instructions.

await instruction example sentences

5) He did order the Armenian king Arsaces to muster an army and await instructions.

6) The vehicle arrived in front of the user and awaited instructions of where to go .

7) After arriving in Delhi, I was taken to a "hotel" to await instructions.

8) All of them stood up and moved to the right of their desks, silently awaiting instructions.

9) Lobb therefore despatched his latest collection from Panama (which arrived safely at Exeter) and awaited instructions from Veitch.

10) Dare 3: WHITE (Raquel) must go to the oven room and await instructions while GREEN (Major) navigates.

11) When men of conscience say they await instruction from 'feminist central' they mean they are waiting for women to hold their hands and lead them (Stoltenburg, 1989).

12) Prince Andrew's bearers, stepping over the wounded who had not yet been bandaged, took him, as a regimental commander, close up to one of the tents and there stopped, awaiting instructions.

13) Ultimo, having had his core programming erased, turned into a giant, floating ball of liquid metal that was essentially awaiting instructions.

14) After clearing the Suez Canal, for a period of about 24 hours, Battle Group Bravo steamed in a holding pattern in the Mediterranean Sea awaiting instructions.

example sentences with await

15) In West Germany, a team of 30 GSG 9 commandos under their deputy commander Major Klaus Blatte had assembled at Hangelar airfield near Bonn awaiting instructions.

16) Assured that no friendly troops had yet landed in that sector, "Beatty" opened fire at 0431, continuing for ten minutes before checking fire to await instructions for fire support.

17) The two catch up, swap stories, and await instructions, keeping an eye on the nearby Pink Chalet, believed to be the base of the Wild Birds.

18) Some passengers were told to go to the main dining room to await instructions, but most ignored this order, since the dining room lay directly in the path of the fire.

19) From 16–23 August, "Yorktown" and the other carriers of TF 58 steamed around the waters to the east of Japan awaiting instructions while peace negotiations continued.

20) But the officers had been given no orders to occupy these positions, so they simply returned to their lines to await instructions.

21) He was urged by Fretilin to return and resume the decolonisation process, but he insisted that he was awaiting instructions from the government in Lisbon, now increasingly uninterested.

22) As a composer of choral lyrics, Bacchylides was probably responsible also for the performance, involving him in frequent travel to venues where musicians and choirs awaited instruction.

23) K. is not taken away, however, but left "free" and told to await instructions from the Committee of Affairs.

24) There are many levels of light that are awaiting instructions, but you have to be at a place of knowing how to instruct.

25) 'Regarding Alfred Glynn, I want you to get together a small team, with a dog handler, to await instructions.

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