
await an answer in a sentence

1) Never leave someone hanging awaiting an answer.

2) It seems like there is some question that awaits an answer.

await collocations
3) The people stood without, quietly awaiting an answer to their demand.

4) I am sure you are eagerly awaiting an answer to your very specific question.

await an answer example sentences

5) The client MUST store the message digest from the request while awaiting an answer.

6) I wrote to my brother two or three days ago and am awaiting an answer.

7) This comes as Seoul awaits an answer from Pyongyang on its final proposal for talks on reopening their joint business park .

8) This Love awaits an answer from the side of the generated being, the denial of his own finite self, and by this negation the reaffirmation of the producing Being.

9) The Japanese awaited an answer to their demand for surrender but no response was received from the Chinese by the deadline on December 10.

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