
avoid distortion in a sentence

1) A neutral tax is a theoretical tax which avoids distortion and inefficiency completely.

2) The logical and scientific community also sharpens responses to assure accuracy and avoiding distortion.

avoid collocations
3) Whereas audiophile amps are primarily concerned with avoiding distortion, a guitar amp embraces it.

4) Some programs maintain the aspect ratio between width and height whilst scaling, thereby avoiding distortion.

avoid distortion example sentences

5) These rules aim, in particular, to avoid distortions of competition arising from overcompensation.

6) The bandwidth should be set appropriately to avoid distortion on the line or lost information through transmission.

7) I designed this matching network on the bench with the 2 diodes disconnected to avoid distortion during signal measurements.

8) This is to avoid distortions when constituent companies split their shares or when one stock is substituted for another .

9) To avoid distortions due to demographic structure, only the male population aged between 18 and 34 was considered for each group.

10) The difficulty in metal construction is avoiding distortion of the plate while welding due to the high heat involved in the process.

11) These are: resolving infinitarian paralysis, avoiding the fanaticism problem, preserving the spirit of aggregative consequentialism, and avoiding distortions.

12) Having checked the levels at rehearsal, the producer sets the recorder so as to just avoid distortion on the loudest passages.

13) Orchestral balance assertively favours the solo instrument with evidence of compression of the orchestral tuttis - presumably to avoid distortion in this poetically virile concerto.

14) Using the Microphone: Don't get too close, you need to be about 9' away from it to avoid distortion.

example sentences with avoid

15) In coming to agreements with competitors, of course, companies must be careful not to contravene competition policy rules aimed at avoiding distortion of competition.

16) To avoid distortion of the incoming laser beam on gas bubbles and tissue fragments, the spiral pattern is applied first posterior to the capsule, and advances anteriorly.

17) For color information stored and transferred in digital form, color management techniques, such as those based on ICC profiles, can help to avoid distortions of the reproduced colors.

18) Photopolymers used in 3D imaging processes must be designed to have a low volume shrinkage upon polymerization in order to avoid distortion of the solid object.

19) For this reason, the buffer amplifier is often powered from relatively high voltage rails (about ±9 V) to avoid distortion due to clipping.

20) Construction of this transformer is critical as it must provide a constant (often high) transformation ratio over the entire audible frequency range (i.e. large bandwidth) and so avoid distortion.

21) Such efforts may eliminate some common inaccuracies, but no set of criteria can avoid distortion caused by the quantification of unlike incidents.

22) As a result, ChannelFree incorporates several processing novelties to produce compression at 2 ms attack and 10 ms release time, while avoiding distortion.

23) The Convention is concerned to facilitate inter-State trade, the Directive to promote the social aims of the Single European Market and to avoid distortion of the market.

24) At the same time, search engines shall also develop certain techniques for like assessment and user analysis to avoid distortion of the relevance landscape .

25) They have a right to expect that information released about them is correct and avoids distortions or worse provokes personal attacks on them, their families, and their livelihoods.

26) The weight therefore has to be spread out and the more the weight the more spread will be needed to avoid distortion","Class":"{col0 coll}"}],"Right":[],"TokenNum":1083232672},

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