
avoid collision in a sentence

1) This will help you avoid potentially painful collisions .

2) The most important reason is to avoid collisions and possible injuries.

avoid collocations
3) Instead, it is busy correcting its motion to avoid collisions .

4) This is a safety consideration to avoid collisions at the plate.

avoid collision example sentences

5) It almost caused numerous accidents, here narrowly avoiding a head-on collision .

6) He tried to avoid the collision, but their vehicles clipped.

7) The quick thinking of Brinkmann avoided a collision .

8) To avoid collision, he sent the helicopter into a dive.

9) Usually only two boats would race at once to avoid collision .

10) She maintained course and speed, doing nothing to avoid a collision .

11) Neither vessel took any early or substantial action to avoid the collision .

12) Reportedly several ships in the formation maneuvered to avoid a collision .

13) In these cases mechanisms such as namespaces are used to avoid collisions .

14) Being in a "radar environment" still requires vigilance to avoid collisions .

example sentences with avoid

15) The ship stabilises and narrowly avoids a collision with Buckingham Palace.

16) Beyond a certain point, it became impossible to avoid a collision .

17) The car driver avoided a collision, but it wasn't pretty.

18) Each one ends in an underscore to try to avoid name collisions .

19) Paying attention at all times should help you avoid collisions and groundings.

20) Can a head-on collision be avoided?

21) CA is an algorithm by which channel time is reserved to avoid collisions .

22) The driver stalled the car while attempting to avoid a collision with another car.

23) The Navigation Rules establish actions to be taken by vessels to avoid collision .

24) He fired into another Bf 110 and avoided a collision with a third.

25) Boelcke swerved to avoid a collision with the interceding aircraft.

26) He told police he applied his brakes but was unable to avoid a collision .

27) To avoid collisions and ensure safe passage, mariners rely on NOAA positioning information.

How to use avoid in a sentence

28) Resizes are done only to avoid collisions, but they aren't mandatory.

29) This second Fokker pulled up to avoid collision and toppled onto a third Fokker.

30) City Safety helps you avoid collisions under all circumstances, even at low speed.

31) Several times the space station was moved slightly to avoid a collision with space junk .

32) The object promptly accelerated toward the second aircraft, which turned to avoid a collision .

33) While trying to avoid collision, a commercial bus with Kano plate number stopped abruptly.

34) The Betty rolled violently to the left and Barber narrowly avoided a mid-air collision .

35) As a result, tugs were necessary in confined areas to avoid collisions or grounding.

36) A pattern emerges and collisions are just avoided" ("Radio Times").

37) A hashing algorithm, no matter how clever, cannot avoid these collisions .

38) This will help other drivers see you and help to avoid a head-on collision .

39) Clients usually set off a few turns apart to avoid collisions and each other's tracks.

40) At such speeds, they need accurate sense organs if they are to avoid damaging collisions .

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