avoid arbitration in a sentence
1) On December 21, the Brewers resigned Branyan, avoiding salary arbitration .
arbitration collocations
2) On August 14, 2003, both sides avoided arbitration by signing a two-year contract.
3) Both sides avoided arbitration by agreeing to a three-year deal on July 26, 2001.
avoid arbitration example sentences
4) The team also avoided salary arbitration with first baseman Ryan Howard's three-year contract.5) On January 15, Rollins signed a pact with the Phillies to avoid salary arbitration .
6) In February 2003, he avoided arbitration by signing a one-year $14.75-million deal.
7) The Nationals management and Jordan Zimmermann avoided arbitration , leaving them with no contractual staredowns.
8) In January, Hernández avoided arbitration and agreed to a one-year, $3.8 million deal.
9) In February 2008, he signed a one-year contract for $3 million, avoiding salary arbitration .
10) To avoid arbitration , Jeter and the Yankees agreed to a one-year deal worth $10 million.
11) On January 23 the Brewers and Fielder avoided arbitration and finalized a two-year $18 million contract.
12) January 18: Shaun Marcum signs a 1 year, $850,000 deal to avoid salary arbitration .
13) The Rangers and Feldman agreed to a $2,425,000 one-year contract in January 2010, thereby avoiding arbitration .
14) Arbitration was avoided by both sides when Cloutier agreed to a one-year, $3 million contract 11 days later.
15) On February 8, 2013, Freese and the Cardinals reached agreement on a one-year contract, avoiding arbitration .
example sentences with avoid arbitration
16) On this day, Boston also avoided arbitration with key relievers in Manny Delcarmen and Ramón S. RamÃrez.17) They also avoided salary arbitration , as they re-signed José Bautista to a one-year, $2.4 million deal.
18) On November 30, 2012, Neshek avoided arbitration by agreeing to a one-year deal with the A's.
19) Sánchez was arbitration eligible to begin 2010, but he avoided arbitration by signing a one-year contract with the Giants.
20) On February 11, Mauer agreed to a four-year, $34 million contract with the Twins to avoid arbitration .
21) On Jan 15, 2011, the Cardinals agreed to a one-year contract with reliever Kyle McClellan in avoiding arbitration .
22) In the other deals that avoided arbitration , Soo Choo signed a one-year, $7.3 million contract this week.
23) He concluded by casting doubt on the majority's imputation that the hospital had been manipulating the system to avoid arbitration .
24) On February 20, 2009, Zimmerman agreed to a $3.325 million, one-year deal for 2009, avoiding arbitration .
25) On January 17, Hamels and the Philadelphia Phillies agreed to a one-year, $15 million contract to avoid arbitration .
26) At the conclusion of the season, Kendrick and the Phillies avoided salary arbitration by agreeing to a one-year, contract.
27) Sánchez was arbitration-eligible following the season, but the Giants avoided arbitration with him by signing him to a one-year contract.
28) The Royals promoted Hosmer before a mid-June deadline in which the Royals could have avoided salary arbitration for an extra year.
How to use avoid arbitration in a sentence
29) On January 16, 2012, Hughes signed a one-year deal worth $3.25 million that included incentives, effectively avoiding arbitration .30) Hamilton avoided arbitration by signing for 2 years and $24 million on February 10, 2011, with the Texas Rangers.
31) The Braves avoided arbitration in the 2007 offseason and signed Teixeira to a one-year, $12.5 million contract for the season.
32) In January 2006, Marquis and the Cardinals agreed to a 1-year contract for $5.15 million, avoiding salary arbitration .
33) On January 15, 2007, Willis signed a one-year contract with the Marlins for $6.45 million, avoiding salary arbitration .
34) Relief pitcher J. P. Howell, starting pitcher Matt Garza and shortstop Jason Bartlett all signed one-year contracts to avoid salary arbitration .
35) RamÃrez avoided arbitration with the Mets by signing a one-year, $2.65 million contract with them on January 17, 2012.
36) On January 20, 2009, Papelbon agreed to a one-year $6.25 million contract with the Red Sox, avoiding arbitration .
37) From the info you've given, if it were me, I would try to avoid arbitration at all costs if it's binding.
38) Smith was again resolute: why, he queried, was Whitehall so adamant to avoid legal arbitration if its ministers were so sure they were right?
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