avoid appearance in a sentence
1) Care should be taken to avoid artificial appearance .
appearance collocations
2) Avoid the appearance of prejudice or discrimination.
3) The WTA should avoid this appearance of bias.
avoid appearance example sentences
4) You should avoid even the appearance of such a conflict.5) Stick with matte colors to avoid an unnaturally glossy bear appearance .
6) Incorporating variations in width will avoid a formal appearance .
7) Blair may simply be avoiding the appearance of opposing all Muslims.
8) As much as possible, avoid the appearance of affluence.
9) Poroshenko resigned to avoid even the appearance of corruption.
10) The king frequently surrounded himself with a personal guard and avoided public appearances .
11) This limit was put in place to avoid the appearance of baby selling.
12) Q5: How do you avoid the appearance of favoritism?
13) It would help if you would seriously avoid all appearances of evil.
14) Further, a COR must avoid even the appearance of such conflict.
15) Benoît goes into details of character and facial appearance avoided by other writers.
example sentences with avoid appearance
16) Avoid any appearance of possible partiality.17) Moreover, it also says they must avoid even the appearance of impropriety.
18) To avoid a personal appearance , you may pay the bail before your appointment date.
19) To avoid the appearance of overruling his manager, Speaker let the change stand.
20) She avoided public appearances , and rarely set foot in London in the following years.
21) GRANTS LETTERS avoid the appearance of any understanding between him and the Prince.
22) Some university presidents decline to serve on corporate boards to avoid the appearance of COI.
23) This restriction is in place to avoid the appearance of favoritism, bias or special treatment.
24) When you watch movies like SAW, how are you avoiding the appearance of evil?
25) Executives routinely "push down" the details of decision-making to avoid the appearance of culpability.
26) After Albert's death in 1861, Victoria plunged into deep mourning and avoided public appearances .
27) She avoided major television appearances and live performances, instead focusing on rehearsals for her world tour.
28) Avoiding the appearance of impropriety, while assisting and reviewing a rate case, is crucial.
How to use avoid appearance in a sentence
29) Clauses can often be restated to avoid the appearance that "nothing" possesses an attribute.30) After this, AEI's officers scrupulously attempted to avoid even the appearance of political advocacy.
31) They advised him to be careful to avoid the appearance of any conflict in this matter.
32) It is hard to avoid this appearance if the Deacon chooses to counsel young women behind closed doors.
33) For example, politicians or managers may have more incentive to avoid the appearance of a total loss.
34) Parliament, he said, had been careful to avoid even the appearance of countenancing such a doctrine.
35) Officials will also need to consult closely with their allies, to avoid the appearance of superpower collusion.
36) Though violations may be common in fact, states try to avoid the appearance of having disregarded international obligations.
37) To avoid the appearance of firing him, Gonen was retained as deputy to Bar-Lev by Elazar.
38) This prohibition is based on avoiding the appearance of impropriety and gives no specific guidance to former government lawyers.
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