
avidly read in a sentence

1) It was not avidly read in that company.

2) The young Gurdjieff avidly read Russian-language scientific literature.

avidly collocations
3) Public school fiction, avidly written and avidly read, displayed the reality.

4) I've not commented but i've avidly read all your posts.

avidly read example sentences

5) Twenty years ago, I was avidly reading Cosmopolitan and The Female Eunuch .

6) Although I avidly read everything he wrote, what I really missed was the man in person.

7) Adams avidly read photography magazines, attended camera club meetings, and went to photography and art exhibits.

8) So Vaughan contented herself with training as a nurse and avidly reading food books in her spare time.

9) Blue seems to live a typical "nerdy" lifestyle, avidly reading comic books and playing board games.

10) Some of the latter party avidly read these Western texts and developed their intellectual curiosity into a religious concern.

11) When not busy with diverse social engagements, Rainilaiarivony avidly read the newspaper and corresponded with contacts in Madagascar.

12) Diana took the criticism to heart, avidly read what was being said about her and became depressed and despondent.

13) Every word spoken, however, comes out in the next day's papers which are avidly read by everyone.

14) Last I saw, a couple of hand-in-hand schoolkids had fished them out and were avidly reading the instruction leaflet.

example sentences with avidly

15) I wish him all the best and will be avidly reading his new blog on his experiences in San Francisco.

16) American writer H.L. Mencken avidly read and translated Nietzsche's works and has gained the sobriquet "the American Nietzsche".

17) Li avidly read trade publications and business news before deciding to supply the world with high quality plastic flowers at low prices.

18) Jim avidly read the "Liverpool Echo" or "Express," liked solving crosswords and instigated discussions about varied subjects.

19) Have been avidly reading your stuff for about 12 months, Market Man – really about time I emerged from the shadows.

20) His Experiments and Observations was avidly read by the Montgolfier brothers during their search for light permanent gases as lifting agents in 1782-83.

21) WATCHING the crowds in Wenceslaus Square avidly reading the notices in every shop window about the progress of the revolution, it seemed inconceivable that the hard-liners could ever return.

22) They are avidly read by all horse breeders and enthusiasts and are sought after in England and by the Industry and archives in the USA.

23) Boyd was obsessed with Connolly as a schoolboy, avidly reading his reviews in "The Sunday Times", and later read his entire published œuvre and found his flawed personality 'deeply beguiling'.

24) Guerrazzi had a great reputation and great influence, but his historical novels, though avidly read before 1848, were soon forgotten.

25) As a boy, Grinnell had avidly read "Ornithological Biography", a seminal work by the great bird painter John James Audubon; he also attended a school for boys conducted by Lucy Audubon.

26) Growing up during World War II encouraged Wilson to avidly read military history, including numerous articles and other literature on the war.

27) During high school, he began to avidly read "Mad" magazine, then edited by Harvey Kurtzman, which would later influence Gilliam's work.

28) He had avidly read science fiction since a boy, and had developed that interest into the Christian Gauss Lectures of 1958, while visiting Princeton University.

29) There's a sense here that if your writing is not always avidly read by your neighbors, at least its making is regarded with genuine respect by them.

30) Jung Chang's book held me in its thrall, I have just finished reading it and am avidly reading it again to fine tune the facts I have "glossed over".

31) One or two students have been avidly reading Chomsky, but since we were certainly not anticipating any sort of demand for theoretical work, we have scarcely no books on the subject to offer them.

32) We're talking about this partly because of the document passed in the ministry in which, everybody has avidly read and erm has been talked about after the seventeenth er, in York in July.

33) In his down time, he spends time avidly reading an eclectic selection of books and doing freelance writing whenever he gets the chance.

34) any of his books were translated into foreign languages and were avidly read by Christians on the Continent.

35) a devotee or well-informed student of some activity or subject: Civil War buffs avidly read the new biography of Grant. (American Heritage)

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