
avid collector in a sentence

1) He had since become an avid art collector .

2) He was also an avid stamp collector .

avid collocations
3) Kennedy also became an avid stamp collector .

4) She is also an avid art collector .

avid collector example sentences

5) He is also an avid collector of vintage drums.

6) Brad is also an avid art collector and long-distance runner.

7) Donald and his wife are also avid collectors of contemporary art.

8) De Boodt was an avid mineral collector .

9) Nureyev was an avid collector of beautiful carpets and antique textiles.

10) Hans Seidler is an avid collector of rare wartime images.

11) He is an avid collector and connoisseur of model trains.

12) George was an avid collector of antiquarian books and artwork .

13) Stepanian was another avid collector of folk melodies amassing over 350.

14) The increase in the number of avid collectors has been one factor.

example sentences with avid

15) He was an avid antique collector .

16) I am not a dealer, just an avid old radio collector .

17) Are you an avid collector instead ?

18) Mattel estimates that there are well over 100,000 avid Barbie collectors .

19) But even avid collectors recommend leaving the guesswork to a reputable appraiser.

20) Carlsberg founder J. C. Jacobsen was a philanthropist and avid art collector .

21) Throughout his life he was an avid collector of curiosities and other artefacts.

22) Rick Nielsen is an avid collector who has over 400 guitars in his possession.

23) Seinfeld, an automobile enthusiast and avid collector, owns a large Porsche collection.

24) An avid collector, Bannon seeks out topics far outside his interests and knowledge.

25) Unlike Brian though, Rob did not ever intend to be an avid collector .

26) Whilst at public school, the young Joe Strummer was an avid stamp collector .

27) Warhol was an avid collector .

How to use avid in a sentence

28) Fifteen of the more avid collectors identified each had a dozen or more works by Diego.

29) From 1945 onwards Waugh became an avid collector of objects, particularly Victorian paintings and furniture.

30) That is, a warehouse full of vintage toys assembled and organized by an avid collector .

31) During his marriage with Angie, Batista became an avid collector of vintage metal lunch boxes.

32) Roy was a local businessman who enjoyed fishing and was an avid collector of vintage fishing lures.

33) I am also an obsessed avid collector of European hotel and restaurant ashtrays and bottle openers .

34) Count Belew, Charlotte's father, was known as an avid collector of automata.

35) In high school he became an avid comic book collector and began to write for comic fanzines.

36) As a child, he often dreamed of traveling abroad, and became an avid stamp collector .

37) Apart from her interested in the civic well-being of Bangalore, she is an avid art collector .

38) The real Mark Cohen was a realtor and an avid collector of comics and original comic book art.

39) The eight-track format maintains a cult following with avid collectors even after its demise on the open market.

40) The character is an avid collector of cars, a characteristic shared with his creator, Clive Cussler.

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