
aviary in a sentence

1) The aviary houses four species that nest annually.

2) The building's facade resembles traditional aviaries.

3) The shed was completely destroyed and the aviary badly damaged.

4) The aviary houses more than 25 species of duck.

aviary example sentences

5) Several benches are located throughout the aviary for observation.

6) A timber aviary contains a range of birds.

7) In 1950 a timber aviary was constructed close to the conservatory.

8) The National aviary has daily interactive experiences for visitors .

9) There was also an aviary above the ballroom.

10) Our visitors will find hawks in the aviary.

11) Food was available for them in aviaries.

12) Most notably graphics editing apps like some of those aviary apps.

13) The aviary also has fountains and water bodies for the birds.

14) The Borough Council is considering closing the aviaries to save money.

example sentences with aviary

15) It also has a reptile house and an aviary.

16) Galvanized-after-welding mesh usually must be purchased from aviary suppliers.

17) The nesting trunk in the aviary is carefully screened to avoid disturbance.

18) This aviary with its wooden dome may represent a fully developed type.

19) It stands next to the South Park aviary.

20) Download our SDK for free at aviary .

21) The renovated aviary includes walk-through sections with hundreds of birds.

22) It costs around £10,000 a year to run the aviaries.

23) These comprise a bear pit, hothouse and aviary.

24) Button quails are the perfect addition to any aviary.

25) There are also turtles, tropical fish and a walk through aviary.

26) The aviary was for injured birds before releasing them into the wild.

27) The aviary houses over 100 Neotropical birds.

How to use aviary in a sentence

28) Aviary, children's play area, gift shop and tea rooms.

29) New glass-walled enclosures and aviaries have been built.

30) Some of the largest free-flight aviaries in existence are here.

31) Beside the exit to the aviary is an emu exhibit.

32) The owl aviaries were recently modified.

33) Plus there are Birds in the house in the aviary.

34) Should all adult birds on the aviary be immunized?

35) Chirpy Birds – Four birds and a clear aviary.

36) We don't provide the large outdoor aviaries that they really need.

37) A large flight cage or aviary would be appropriate for this situation.

38) The first aviary was opened in 2001 and the remainder in 2004.

39) The primary attraction in the aviary is the Harpy Eagles enclosure.

40) The Emerald Forest aviary is the largest aviary on zoo grounds.

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