aviaries in a sentence
1) The building's facade resembles traditional aviaries.
2) Food was available for them in aviaries.
3) The Borough Council is considering closing the aviaries to save money.
4) It costs around £10,000 a year to run the aviaries.
aviaries example sentences
5) New glass-walled enclosures and aviaries have been built.6) Some of the largest free-flight aviaries in existence are here.
7) The owl aviaries were recently modified.
8) We don't provide the large outdoor aviaries that they really need.
9) This nature parkland also contains one of country's largest subtropical rainforest aviaries.
10) The aviaries in particular were incomparable.
11) Nothing like the Mexican aviaries could be found in Paris or Venice.
12) Her book was written as a response to the equivalent of burning the aviaries.
13) Here were his gardens, and his aviaries, and his fish-ponds.
14) Here, you can meander through low-ceilinged aviaries fluttering with colorful varieties.
example sentences with aviaries
15) Two aviaries at the zoo were designed to imitate specific bird sanctuaries in Tamil Nadu.16) This enclosure consists of several aviaries housing rare and endangered South American parrots and macaws.
17) Private individuals with the means to supply huge aviaries should be licensed to keep them.
18) Johnson races to fix the problem as another chaotic chorus breaks out in the aviaries.
19) aviaries provide several levels of perches that allow laying hens to be off the floor.
20) He also was responsible for California-wide actions to liberate the majority of aviaries of infested birds.
21) It also has a multitude of reptile houses, free flight aviaries, and many other animals.
22) It contained The aviaries (百鳥居) and Flamingo Pond (紅鸛池).
23) Padlocks were cut, and aviaries were raided at Birdland in Bourton on the water.
24) Again, it will only benefit aviaries that are initially free of the disease and not infected birds.
25) When a stuffed owl was presented to experienced blackbirds living in aviaries, they started mobbing the mounted bird.
26) John was fascinated by the animal world, building aviaries and adapting outbuildings for a museum and a laboratory.
27) Aviaries, chicken coops, or a completely enclosed dog run (including a roof) can be used.
How to use aviaries in a sentence
28) Open parrot-style type aviaries may be used, but some birds will remain flighty and shy in this situation.29) When I first saw it, it was hopping around in the bottom of one of the larger aviaries.
30) Serpell contends that parrots will suffer unless they are kept in large aviaries with other members of their own species.
31) In aviaries where the underlying source of disease has been eliminated, subsequent breeding seasons can be free of the disease.
32) The aviaries are specialised to reflect habitat the birds should become adapted to should they be released back into the wild.
33) These birds, bred by Lank in the aviaries at SFU, are the only known ruffs in North America.
34) Here, Nebamun's herders present him with geese from his aviaries while a scribe, far left, keeps count.
35) Other young were produced by our captive pairs of adult anatum peregrines, which bred naturally in large, open air aviaries.
36) Refreshment kiosks are to be found near the zebra house, opposite the bird of prey aviaries and near the adventure playground.
37) Dotted around the Central Valley are a number of aviaries which house a selection of birds from different parts of the world.
38) You have the opportunity to sponsor all or part of these new aviaries with permanent signage displaying your company or personal message.
39) The Australian Walkabout includes the Australian Wetlands and Penguin Plunge, Reptile Encounter, Australian Bushwalk, aviaries and the Nocturnal House.
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