
avert your eyes in a sentence

1) Instead avert your eyes down and away .

2) If you are hungry, be sure to avert your eyes.

avert collocations
3) Ken, avert your eyes from Dennis Erickson's lips.

4) averting your eyes from the ambient unpleasantness, follow the path.

avert your eyes example sentences

5) On occasion, this effort requires averting your eyes too long from the road.

6) If you do not suffer fools well, you may wish to avert your eyes.

7) As with the "Hostel" films, many moments will make you avert your eyes.

8) avert your eyes from those monastery signs ( the hike to uninhabited Faneromeni is off the agenda).

9) avert your eyes." But then a gorgeous girl comes into sight wearing the skimpiest of bikinis.

10) So if you're a bit squeamish or sensitive you might want to avert your eyes from those bits.

11) Geraldo Rivera Posts Nude Mirror Shot: "70 is the new 50" Ladies and gentleman, avert your eyes!

12) Or when logging online every major site has a giant picture of it making it impossible to avert your eyes from it.

13) This New Bakery Serves Fruity Pebbles Donuts If you 're watching what you eat, it's time to avert your eyes.

14) This one's so bad, that, like a car wreck, you can't avert your eyes from it, no matter how horrific it is.

example sentences with avert

15) The soundtrack of I Am Cuba features a female narrator who ties together the episodes with Yevtushenko's poetry, which plays on Cuba's split identity: "Don't avert your eyes.

16) NOTE : This page is for people who have read The Fault in Our Stars . As such, it contains numerous huge spoilers . If you have not read The Fault in Our Stars, kindly avert your eyes.

17) On using the Kim Jong Il tea pot, one humorist conjectures, "when drinking tea from this miserable looking device, you have to avert your eyes and be eternally grateful for such a delicious brew.

18) In the United States, it is considered to be rude when you do not give eye contact, but in other cultures such as Latin and Asian, averting your eyes is a sign of respect.

19) Affleck, whose father and stepmother were janitors at Harvard, urged the crowd to "make this a school where you don't have to avert your eyes in shame when you see a janitor in the hallway.

20) Trustee Sheila Cary-Meagher, a grandmother, said she didn't understand the fuss – if people are uncomfortable looking at "dangly bits" then "avert your eyes.

21) You avert your eyes from the real dam Oh, I see, the only thing that counts is the gravest possible outcome that is also by far the least likely.

22) Even when you avert your eyes from his daily economic blunders, you'll always find another sad aspect of his premiership slapping you in the face.

23) avert your eyes for just a moment as though what you are about to say is coming from God, the Devil or maybe your dead Uncle Attila is talking to you from just behind the offender's left shoulder.

24) avert your eyes from the emerald.'

25) Word Nerd Alert: avert your eyes, those who do not wish to learn anything today...

26) Li Yuan... if you would avert your eyes while the Lady Wu gets out and finds her clothes?'

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