
avert danger in a sentence

1) How do you avert this imminent danger .

2) May all dangers be averted and all disease be gone.

avert collocations
3) We can avert that danger here.

4) They consulted on the fittest means for averting the present danger .

avert danger example sentences

5) Animals are killed only to avert mystical dangers which cause illness and death.

6) An unlatched or missing shoe was thought to protect from or avert danger .

7) The level of the dam was increased by three feet to avert the danger .

8) India earned two more penalty-corners soon after but the Bangladeshi defence averted the danger .

9) In a high crotch, even if penetration occurs, the danger is not averted.

10) The forced retirement of President Obama would avert the greatest danger to the planet at large.

11) The danger averted, the family prepares to go the festival at the Tree of Life.

12) Peace is attainable and I sincerely hope the world can avert the dangers of another World War.

13) Wagons were rushing down to the Elk mill with hundreds of pails to avert the threatening danger .

14) Paul Deas averted more danger for the home men as he ended a fine run by Neil Duffy.

example sentences with avert

15) Soon thereafter, the Gators seemingly averted danger when they stripped the ball from the Tigers at the goal line.

16) However, it was stood down in July, after the Congress of Berlin had averted the danger of war.

17) Then 'Be aware' prescribes awareness from the future viewpoint, and letting myself be moved to avert the danger .

18) The bells were seen as tools to be used to avert dangers to Aaron before he entered the Holiest of Holies.

19) Its responsibilities are to avert danger, to maintain the public security, to render assistance, and the provision of information.

20) The striker emerged the ball and made his way through another challenge but Thistle got enough men back to avert the danger .

21) The Riksdag is held in the provincial city of Norrköping to avert the dangers of meeting in the climate of the capital.

22) Portsmouth's best chance fell to the talented Anderton, but the advancing Nixon and the covering Nolan averted the danger after he was put through by Beresford.

23) It is to be noted that the development of gorilla tourism is proceeding with great caution in order to avert dangers of the gorillas catching human diseases.

24) The heavenly Queen was aware of this and She con cluded that it was necessary to avert this danger and to insist in earnest prayer on a remedy.

25) This study has raised a theory that behavior adjustment, particularly exercise, can potentially avert the enlarged danger of cardiovascular events coupled with depression.

26) This danger is averted when Scout, Jem, and Dill shame the mob into dispersing by forcing them to view the situation from Atticus' and Tom's points of view.

27) The means used and measures taken to avert the danger of harm must not have been excessive, having regard to all the circumstances of the case.

28) Evoking images of the sixteenth-century martyred English, of Elizabeth enthroned, the Enemy overthrown, and danger averted, Foxe's text and its images served as a popular and academic code.

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