
average value in a sentence

1) The average value for either direction is indicated.

2) The average value may also be constrained.

average collocations
3) The investigations only compare theoretical trips based on average values.

4) The averaged values are shown in Table 3.

average value example sentences

5) KIMEAN – average values between offering and bid rates.

6) The averaged value will appear as the reported value.

7) The theory provides averaged values for these two properties.

8) average values may be categorized by application category and project type.

9) C. average value over 2005-2012.

10) During solar minima, the average value is 6.

11) The average value of the discrimination parameters of the test items.

12) Calculate the average value of the dry gas meter calibration factor.

13) This leaves the average value of "k" at exactly 1.

14) Calculate the average value of the calibration factor.

example sentences with average

15) These figures are standard values which are quoted frequently and are average values.

16) All these values are computed to an average value for further analyses.

17) The rate constants are the average values of the most reliable estimates.

18) Where __FORMULA__ is the average value of the inductor current.

19) Even the average values are considerable.

20) A quarterly average value was enough for them to track costs against budget.

21) The average value of a debit card transaction in 2012 was $39.

22) For example, the average value in a sample is a statistic.

23) average value of the trigger voltage: 3.52V 5.

24) The average value is about 6 minutes as noted in the table above.

25) Using average values for all ungulates, Gheerbrant "et al.

26) Then we ask: What is the error in the average value?

27) It was about one-tenth of the average value of a slave.

How to use average in a sentence

28) You now have the average values.

29) A player with above average values on every pitch type is a dangerous hitter .

30) One would anticipate that these scores would cluster themselves around some average value.

31) The average values of K for each experimental conditions are shown in table 1.

32) Other wave shapes require a different calibration factor to relate RMS and average value.

33) This implies that the current flowing through the capacitor has a zero average value.

34) Ignoring it, the average value should be k = 2.6 cms.

35) Normal- The long-term average value of a meteorological element for a certain area.

36) Relative humidity drops throughout the season, reaching average values as low as 70%.

37) values of between 80% and 120% of the average value are considered normal.

38) For bar charts, the average value can be shown superimposed on the graph.

39) However this average value may not be representative if the atoms are not equivalent.

40) The overall average value is made up of the black portion and the gray area.

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