
average up in a sentence

1) Page views average up to 360,000 a month.

2) Pete Kozma had two hits, raising his average up to .271.

average collocations
3) The Edhi Trust takes care of the burials, averaging up to eight or ten daily.

4) I only average up in price in bull markets and average down in price in bear markets.

average up example sentences

5) Dunn needs to try getting that average up around the .220 area to be a big power hitter .

6) New Jersey offers salaries averaging up to $59,000 a year, along with an affordable cost of living.

7) This could be something that brings his average up a ton and make him incredibly useful down the stretch.

8) A few very large values can pull the group's average up above most of the rest of the population.

9) The outlined pure perfect fifth B-F is averaged up to 702 cents (rather than 701.955...etc).

10) Watching a video on a website results in prospects staying on the site for on average up to five times longer.

11) Very high use customers significantly skew the average up, and the large number of lower-use customers skew the median down.

12) For not only does it burn off on average up to 100 calories for every 15 minutes of activity, but the raised BMR can continue to burn off calories for several hours after exercising is over.

13) However, on average, a properly trained transcriptionist can average up to $25.00 per hour after their initial on the job training period.

14) Investment strategists said the decline was attributable to profit-taking after six days of climbing prices, which brought the Dow Jones Industrial average up by more than 100 points.

example sentences with average

15) When observing the statistics, competitive cyclists average up to 5,000 pedalling revolutions an hour, between 10-150 miles each session and up to 20,000 miles a year.

16) By 2005, housing price in Riga remained as the most expansive housing in Latvia as the housing price on average up by 47.1% in 2005 compared to 2004.

17) If the same team won both the Apertura and Clausura season, then the other team to get promoted would be the one who was better placed when both seasons are averaged up.

18) In total, he scored 1,251 runs at an average of 69.50, his best season average up to that part of his career.

19) The winters are mild, compared to the suburbs (outside of the Gürtel belt, on average up to 2 °C (35 °F).

20) Variations about the average up to −0.3% are caused by large sunspot groups and of +0.05% by large faculae and bright network on a week to 10 day timescale.

21) Mature trees often grew straight and branch-free for 50 ft, up to 100 feet, averaging up to 5 feet in diameter.

22) That doesn't mean Kidd should count on Garnett to play upwards of 30 minutes a game, but adding in enough stints here and there to bring his average up around 25 minutes should be doable.

23) When you get your batting average up to 40, then we'll listen to you, you have some bargaining power, but until then shut up.

24) Over the last 10 games, Burke has averaged 3.5 rebounds per game to bring his average up to 3.2 rebounds per game.

25) You're talking about some forms of abuse which went on for a very very long time indeed to pull the average up like that.

26) The stock market's rise on Thursday capped a run that has pushed the average up by 1,475 points so far this year.

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