
average unemployment in a sentence

1) Despite this the city has traditionally had above average unemployment rates.

2) The average unemployment rate in 2004 was 5.5 percent.

average collocations
3) The average unemployment rate between 2006 and 2010 was 6.9%.

4) average unemployment in France: 12 per cent.

average unemployment example sentences

5) The average unemployment in Spain: 20 per cent.

6) Which is about the average unemployment rate in Poland.

7) Saxony reported an average unemployment of 11.9% in 2010.

8) In March 2011, the average unemployment claimant count for the region was 3.6%.

9) At the end of 2012, the average unemployment rate in Zagreb was around 9.5%.

10) In the third period, average unemployment is higher still but the rate of inflation is declining.

11) In the first column in the following table they compute the average unemployment rates over four sample periods.

12) In 2003, West Virginia had a three-year average unemployment rate of 5.7%, compared with 5.5% nationwide.

13) Last year, the average unemployment rate was 4.18 percent – 478,000 people – the highest among the Four Asian Dragons.

14) These designations are based primarily on three indicators– three-year average unemployment rate, market income per capita, and poverty rate.

example sentences with average

15) unemployment among the under 24's in Sweden is 24.2%, or four times the average unemployment rate of 8%.

16) The central tendency of their projections for the average unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of 2010 was 9.2 to 9.5 percent.

17) Traditionally it's 6,500 inhabitants have enjoyed lower than average unemployment, better than average housing, good schools and medical facilities.

18) In July 2014, the averaged unemployment rate of the eurozone is 11.7 percent, slight decrease from 11.9 percent in 2013.

19) Colorado has reached a three-month (December, January, and February) average unemployment rate greater than 6 percent and Colorado claimants now qualify for 13 additional weeks of EUC benefits.

20) In the Beveridge report an average unemployment rate of 8 u0026frac12%; was mentioned, but as optimism grew figures as low as 3% came to be used.

21) Nevada has struggled with high unemployment in recent years, including an average unemployment rate of 11.1% in 2012, the highest in the nation that year.

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