
average premium in a sentence

1) How is the average premium for the small group market in the state determined?

2) Today the trader sold the calls for an average premium of 8.95 each.

average collocations
3) The Insurance Department's report said 2013's average premium for individuals was $236.

4) More than 12,300 calls were purchased for an average premium of $0.89 apiece.

average premium example sentences

5) Despite the emergence of low-cost plans, however, average premium prices have continued to rise.

6) Written premiums virtually unchanged at $600.1m reflect a significantly higher average premium across the portfolio.

7) For those federal exchange consumers, it would result in an average premium increase of 76 percent.

8) Its target market is high net worth individuals, thereby bringing in policies with higher than average premiums.

9) Investors sold the bulk of the options to pocket an average premium of $1.18 a-pop.

10) The third type of policy is the most costly, with average premiums at £1, 495.

11) The average premium is a misleading statistic because it averages the premiums offered, not the premiums paid.

12) The number of Americans without health insurance has grown by seven million, while average premiums have nearly doubled.

13) The national average premium is currently $4,824 for an individual and $13,375 for a family policy.

14) The trader purchased 20,000 put options at the June 14 strike for an average premium of 1.91 apiece.

example sentences with average

15) Based on actual claims experience, insurers calculate the share of the overall average premium attributable to each mandate.

16) Investors purchased put options at the now in-the-money December 80 strike for an average premium of 6.70 apiece.

17) The now in-the-money November 25 strike had 3,600 calls purchased for an average premium of 3.14 per contract.

18) Time and sales data suggests most of the volume was purchased for an average premium of $0.93 apiece.

19) The statewide average premium for a 40 -year-old will be $219 a month for the lowest-cost bronze plan.

20) It looks like roughly 11,800 of those call options were purchased at an average premium of $0.21 a-pop.

21) Approximately 20,000 calls were purchased at the January 2011 20 strike for an average premium of 70 cents per contract.

22) For 2016-23, average premium growth for private health insurance is projected to be 5.4 percent per year.

23) At the May 20 strike price approximately 58,100 puts were picked up for an average premium of 18 cents apiece.

24) At the May 19 strike price more than 65,100 puts were purchased for an average premium of 17 cents apiece.

25) Bearish individuals shed more than 6,000 calls at the December 20 strike for an average premium of 46 cents apiece.

26) Written premiums marginally lower at $282.0m (1991: $286.3m) but reflect higher average premium.

27) Investors snapped up around 2,000 calls at the December $12 strike for an average premium of $1.10 each.

How to use average in a sentence

28) It looks like investors purchased around 2,700 of the calls this morning for an average premium of $0.40 each.

29) Another 1,100 calls were purchased at the higher November $47 strike for an average premium of $2.14 a-pop.

30) Between 2005 and 2013, average premiums for individual plans increased 37 percent and average family premiums were upped 31 percent.

31) The November contract stood out with 8,400 calls sold at the 35 strike price for an average premium of 2.80.

32) At the now in-the-money May 25 strike price investors picked up 1,300 calls for an average premium of 1.71 apiece.

33) Optimistic investors purchased 69,000 in-the-money call options at the March 14 strike for an average premium of 1.36 per contract.

34) It looks like more than 27,300 of those calls were purchased by traders for an average premium of $0.02 apiece.

35) Bulls scooped up roughly 1,100 calls at the December $60 strike for an average premium of $0.735 per contract.

36) Bullish individuals sold 19,500 puts at the June $26 strike to pocket an average premium of $0.35 per contract.

37) It looks like one or more traders purchased the bulk of the volume for an average premium of $0.91 each.

38) Traders picked up at least 10,000 calls at the March $17.5 strike for an average premium of $0.66 apiece.

39) Finally, uber-bulls bought 2,000 calls at the higher August $300 strike for an average premium of $7.38 a-pop.

40) Traders appear to have purchased around 350 of the $55 strike calls at an average premium of $0.55 per contract.

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