
average figure in a sentence

1) These monthly figures are average figures taken from one observation period.

2) However, average figures can be misleading.

average collocations
3) The average figure means little in this case, however.

4) The national average figure is 17.3%.

average figure example sentences

5) Women chose slimmer than average figures for both choices.

6) I think the average figure's about nineteen percent.

7) The average figure for other Third World countries is $22.

8) An above average figure will look something like this.

9) For the remainder, the average figures equally certainly obscure wide variations.

10) By the end of July, temperatures returned to average figures.

11) The average figure for England and Wales is 0.8%.

12) Low and High Water Levels are an average figure.

13) The average figure represents a drop 23% from the previous year.

14) An average figure for retail outlets is 2.5% of annual takings.

example sentences with average

15) This is an average figure so there will be much variation either side .

16) The current global average figure is just over one tonne of carbon per person.

17) Take an average figure for your total weekly PAYE earnings this year.

18) Index values are used to show how a particular average figure changes over time.

19) The true average figure is not disclosed and may be much less than 35 percent.

20) The average figure of 8.1 million was down 2.7 million from the previous year.

21) In addition, this entropy measure is very suspect and it is an average figure.

22) This is an average figure.

23) His body contains 38 of the 77 chemicals tested for - well above the average figure.

24) This was an average figure, with some publishers receiving much higher amounts and others almost none.

25) These ratings were up 38% on the average figures for Channel 4's 11PM timeslot.

26) The Chemical products Business was well above this average figure, but still nowhere near the top.

27) That's an average figure skewed by people who buy lower end phones unsubsidized without a contract.

How to use average in a sentence

28) When estimating variable expenses, use an average figure based on an estimate of the yearly total.

29) She is tall and weighs, matching the average figure of a Korean woman in her twenties.

30) The average figures for those who attended atheist lectures was dropping to less than 50 per lecture by 1940.

31) average figures include play-offs.

32) A humanoid robot with a realistic head and the average figure of a young Japanese female has been developed.

33) The amounts paid to the donor vary in Iran but the average figures are $1200 for kidney donation.

34) None had a bloodstream totally clear of contaminants and the average figure for the number of pollutants was 27.

35) average figures are medians.

36) And it's a U K average figure as well, but we're talking about forty percent.

37) Market liquidity depends not just on average figures of turnover but on the size of transactions that are possible.

38) These are average figures obtained by grouping 15 European member states results, which differed significantly from country to country.

39) Price, in his 1965 study of networks of scientific papers, derived an average figure for uncitedness of 35%.

40) An average figure is about seven heads high, but anything between six and eight heads is well within the normal range.

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