
average build in a sentence

1) Current average build length is over 100 feet.

2) Both the attackers are dark skinned and of average build.

average collocations
3) In Sweden, pairs on average built 2.4 of them.

4) Michael Keaton is a guy with average build", he stated.

average build example sentences

5) Shoulder-length brown hair with faintly purple highlights, average height, average build.

6) BMI is only works if you're average build and average bone structure.

7) He was about 6ft tall with an average build, and very witty.

8) I'm now 19, and have between a slender to average build.

9) All three intruders were described as white or Hispanic with dark hair and average builds .

10) He has an average build stat-wise, but he does excel at weapon combat.

11) Makoto has a plain appearance as a teenage boy with an average build and height.

12) I'm average build and size, 5ft 6" and a size 10 - 12.

13) This power tends to result in descriptions like "average height, average build, wearing ... something beige.

14) We specifically designed the clip boxes to provide enough clips for 1 set of terrain for an average build.

example sentences with average

15) Certainly, some men of smaller than average build use the drugs to attain a 'normal' build.

16) Main or reoccurring roles Mark Waters ( lead): White male, mid 20s, average build.

17) Research based on self-builders' site insurance premiums suggests an average build cost (excluding land) of £60,000.

18) He is described as white, 5ft 5in, average build, clean shaven and with short, greying hair.

19) Houses built with the kitset system go up 30 to 50 per cent faster than the average build, Melissa Savage says.

20) According to Local Motors' Amy Romano, "The average build takes about three to four weeks from start to finish.

21) I'm a 40 yo SAHM of 3 young children, semi-decent looking, average build, married to a physician, have my kids involved in many activities, go to the gym, and I still can't make any friends.

22) Molander – a tall young man of average build – sat on his mother's floral couch, keeping a calm demeanor and an even and polite tone throughout the duration of the interview.

23) However, for initial budget purposes, it is sufficient to estimate these costs by using the average build costs per square foot achieved by others who have recently built their own home.

24) I recently got my girlfriend into it and she transformed her body in 3 months from pretty average build to lean and totally fit she lost about 15 pounds from 120-105ish.

25) He is depicted as having an average build with a strong propensity for drugs and alcohol abuse stemming from feelings of resentment towards his family.

26) Because of this and the fact that he has earned many enemies over the years, his physical appearance embodies the word 'average': he is of average height, average build, with brown hair and eyes.

27) When American men were independently asked to choose the female build most attractive to them, the men chose figures of average build.

28) Monday's suspect was described as five foot six to six feet tall, of average build and having a dark or tanned complexion.

29) He is described as white with a dark or tanned complexion, approximately five foot six to six feet tall and of average build.

30) The man holding the knife is described as black, around 5ft 4ins tall, of average build with a dark complexion.

31) The average build quality, poor display and audio quality, sluggish interface and a few shortcomings in other areas make the tablet a little too expencive for the retail price.

32) While their descriptions varied in minor details, the consensus of eyewitness reports was that the suspect was an African American or Hispanic male of average build.

33) I am probably what you would describe average build and I'm not particularly fit, working long hours in a relatively non physical showroom work environment.

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