
available treatment in a sentence

1) There is no available treatment or vaccine.

2) What are available treatments for Foot drop?

available collocations
3) You've probably already done some homework about available treatments.

4) This and other available treatments for short stature are outlined below.

available treatment example sentences

5) Advocate for affordable and widely available treatment for all involved.

6) There have also been cases of available treatment being withheld during clinical trials.

7) Currently available treatments focus on reducing the symptoms of ADHD and improving functioning.

8) Then, thanks to newly available treatments, her arthritis went into remission.

9) Recently, autologous bone marrow transplantation has been added to the available treatment options.

10) Currently the gluten-free diet is the only available treatment for gluten-related disorders .

11) The doctor will give you and then advise you on available treatment options .

12) The available treatment may help in improving general health and immunity to a certain extent.

13) He tried all available treatments, but at best they had only temporary success.

14) There are no available treatments that stop or reverse the progression of the disease.

example sentences with available

15) For example, did the person want all available treatment measures or only specific ones?

16) The available treatments for excess sweating do not work for everyone, says Abramovits.

17) available treatments include drugs, nutritional supplements and surgical removal of affected parts of the intestine.

18) These trials compare new treatments with the best currently available treatment (the standard treatment).

19) AV: Advanced cancer is difficult to treat and often recurs despite the best available treatments.

20) HIV infection and its treatment - more detailed information on the virus and the available treatment.

21) Glycerin: A neutral, commercially available treatment that helps to draw stains out of fabrics.

22) Despite all available treatment, she became emaciated, weighing only 36 kg by June 1952.

23) Adoptive cell therapy (ACT) is the best available treatment for patients with metastatic melanoma.

24) He tried all available treatments, but, at best, they had only temporary success.

25) No currently available treatment for varicose veins or spider veins is successful 100% of the time.

26) Although signs of colic may not be very severe, surgery is usually the only available treatment.

27) Currently, the only available treatments are liver transplantation for cirrhosis and protein replacement therapy for emphysema.

How to use available in a sentence

28) CPAP mask is another available treatment, which will help individuals sleep for longer periods through the night.

29) The blood supply to this piece of intestine is immediately occluded and surgery is the only available treatment.

30) Good epidemiologic data is still lacking, and available treatments are not risk free and not always well tolerated.

31) In this situation it is the best available treatment in those without contraindications and is supported by clinical guidelines.

32) These studies would be conducted by practicing clinicians to compare currently available treatment options to new agents or devices .

33) In Step 3 - Evaluating the available treatments, we will begin to delve into this issue.

34) Additionally, PTSD is incurable, and though there are available treatments, they are often not completely effective.

35) There are many available treatments which can reverse the day time symptoms and reduce the chance of an accident.

36) Although the argon laser offered the best available treatment for a time, newer lasers have now superseded it.

37) Many of the available treatments for localized disease may not be appropriate for an 80 -year-old man with angina.

38) The available treatments are sometimes quite effective and can have a significant impact on life expectancy and quality of life.

39) What exactly is this condition, how can you recognize it and what are the available treatments for it?

40) Hear Dr. David Greene, CEO of the Nevada Pain Network, describe DDD and the available treatments.

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