
available choice in a sentence

1) We will discuss a few of the available choices.

2) There are actually cost-free available choices just for this.

available collocations
3) The marketer then lists all of the available choices within each attribute category.

4) The available choices vary depending on the type of item that is being accessed.

available choice example sentences

5) At this moment there are several available choices at home woodworking water vapor baths.

6) As the media planner works through the available choices, a media schedule begins to evolve.

7) By this design, one can go back and forth with the available choice.

8) available choices depend upon the number of preferred roommates, preferred housing, and class status.

9) They will be presented by a honest attorney, if you can find other available choices.

10) If regional soil conditions include extensive hard rock, a vertical installation may be the only available choice.

11) Alas, currently available choices were somewhat limited: what amounted to gray, darker gray or white.

12) If you know the answer, compare it to the available choices and pick the closest alternative.

13) In some cases, the name of the state capital is not one of the available choices.

14) The available choices include Btrfs, XFS and Reiserfs, and three versions of Ext.

example sentences with available

15) The Fame Game was played three times per episode, with earlier spaces selected removed from subsequent available choices.

16) Upon submission of a properly completed application and applicable fee, you will be issued your first available choice.

17) Respondents had to use the "write in" section as it was not listed as an available choice.

18) Conjoint analysis quantifies how desirable each product attribute choice is relative to the other available choices for a single product.

19) Additionally, you should check for the available choices in order to construct an effective and efficient 401k plan.

20) The available choices, the styles, the size of the market – everything about the fashion world just grew.

21) Overall, I am struck by how conservative Rosenthal and Joachimedes's list is, given all the available choices.

22) KVM and Xen are available choices for hypervisor technology, together with Hyper-V and Linux container technology such as LXC.

23) One-key reference labeling in incremental reading . Press Alt+Q and choose the relevant reference label from the available choices.

24) Appreciate your ebook as it helped clarify terms, and also gave me a basis of comparison for the available choices.

25) The available choices rang from 30 seconds to 1 hour with reasonable increments... as well as turning automatic powerdown off completely.

26) The acquisition method selected for a particular acquisition may limit the available choice of contract type: • • • Simplified Acquisition.

27) The available choices of the domestic firms are given on the left, while those of the foreign firm are on top.

28) My older article on the-vu, Kick Scooter Classifications, will explain the available choices if you are reading this review first.

29) In some cases after typing one letter I had to wait a few seconds for KRunner to catch it and prompt me with a list of available choices.

30) If the passenger's velocity can only change when a forceful cause is present and with all such forceful causes absent, then does the passenger have but one available choice?

31) With so many available choices, we can group the materials into categories of grasses, foliages, accents, fillers, and forms.

32) If you are your physician is pressuring you, you might want to take into account other available choices as there might be fiscal motives powering their pushiness.

33) Iran is a dying country, and it is very difficult to have a rational dialogue with a nation all of whose available choices terminate in oblivion.

34) I think the mix between a strong grounding in relevant maths and vocational elements we offer is quite unique in the UK and distinguishes us from the few other available choices.

35) Any word or phrase not recognised by the computer as being on the authority list will cause the list of available choices to be displayed.

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