
availability rate in a sentence

1) It boasted an aircraft availability rate of more than 85%.

2) Click the link below for availability, rates, and pictures.

availability collocations
3) The provider claims a 95% availability rate and no accidents so far.

4) The Army required it to meet the availability rates of the current Stryker.

availability rate example sentences

5) Aircraft availability rates and maintenance statistics clearly illustrate the rising costs associated with this decision.

6) Availability, rates and secure booking confirmations are accessed via IAN.com booking engine.

7) Even the small organization cant tolerate a 97% availability rate for E-business, he adds.

8) However poor maintenance meant that availability rates steadily declined, and by 1988 all the aircraft were grounded.

9) Most of these had seen hard war service over the previous six months and the availability rate was low.

10) The G 150 has an availability rate of 91.96 percent and a dispatch reliability rate of 99.83 percent.

11) The traditional, VOR and ADF, ground based en route system has an availability rate of 98.5%.

12) The plane is designed for 20 man-hours of maintenance per flight hour, and a 74% mission availability rate .

13) Many of these measures are related to service quality and include security-system availability rates and response times to calls and alarms.

14) Industrial availability rates were mostly steady to down slightly, with asking rents on industrial space rising on Long Island but mostly flat across the rest of the District.

example sentences with availability

15) The Hornets have also proven to be mechanically reliable and easy to maintain, though shortages of spare parts reduced availability rates during the early years of their service with the RAAF.

16) During Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, 86 AV-8Bs amassed 3,380 flights and about 4,100 flight hours, with a mission availability rate of over 90 percent.

17) The WAAS signal, which has been available for several years for non-critical use has an availability rate of ninety-nine point nine nine nine percent (99.999%).

18) Economic concerns about poverty, the number of free or reduced-price lunches, local unemployment rates, local job availability, housing mobility rates .

19) However, the Predator and Reaper aircraft also have the highest operational readiness rate of any aircraft in the US DoD inventory, often exceeding 99% mission availability rate .

20) Overall Equipment Effectiveness is the overall performance of one piece of equipment or an entire factory measured through availability, performance rate, and quality rate.

21) Although they had an early reputation for unreliability, according to CN's records, the rebuilt TurboTrains had an availability rate of over 97% for the their careers with CN and Via.

22) It delivered more than 44,000 tons of cargo and passengers to China that month at an aircraft availability rate of 75%, but also incurred 23 fatal crashes with 36 crewmen killed.

23) Of the $11.7 billion allocated for upgrades, almost $2 billion was for structural repairs and to increase fleet availability rate from 55.5% to 70.6% by 2015.

24) The Stryker fleet continues to maintain an overall readiness availability rate of more than 96 percent in Afghanistan and throughout that region, Army officials said.

25) (4) Most hotels offer last standard room availability rates ;

26) For more information, availability, rates and anything else you would like to know regarding the property please contact:

27) " We're proud to have Avincis as a customer and to provide them with a proven and reliable helicopter with a very high availability rate .

28) " The two G150s that lead the fleet continue to demonstrate the superior dispatch reliability and availability rates that our company takes great pride in.

29) ' We have around 90 per cent availability rate this year with injuries, which is really good,' he told Liverpoolfc.

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