
availability condition in a sentence

1) The availability and condition of routes and facilities are of vital interest.

2) Have you accurately assessed site conditions, such as material availability and ground conditions ?

availability collocations
3) Rather substrate availability and growth conditions govern the reaction rate of the desired component.

4) As with palatability, preference is also dynamic and changes with seasonal forage availability and weather conditions .

availability condition example sentences

5) These are time-limited and specific terms on availability and other conditions will be advertised with each individual offer.

6) The price guides assign values for comic books based on demand, availability, and the copy's condition .

7) Variables such as vessel, captain and writer availability, weather conditions and vessel location all play a role.

8) Information on availability and conditions of use of computing facilities can be found in the college Student Handbook.

9) These are time limited and specific terms on prize availability and other conditions will be advertised with each competition.

10) The amount of manure composted on a livestock farm is often determined by cleaning schedules, land availability, and weather conditions .

11) Depending on the destination, warehouse availability, and transportation conditions, some methods are more suitable to certain buyers than others.

12) The extent of mix of fuels varies and is subject to factors such as households fluctuating incomes, fuel availability and seasonal conditions affecting the labour market.

13) Indeed, many of their resources, such as crops, livestock, fuelwood, and construction materials, depend on the growth of plants, which in turn depends on water availability and climate conditions .

14) In determining the choice of a physician, consideration must be given to availability, the employee's condition and the method and means of transportation.

example sentences with availability

15) Using HETs will be governed by their availability, the conditions of the road network, and the distance to be traveled. 8-27.

16) Movement planners must be flexible because requirements often change based on changes in priority, unit locations, asset availability, and conditions of the LOCs.

17) In terms of sectors, the potential impact of climate change is predicted to be highest in sectors that rely on ecosystem services, water availability and climatic conditions .

18) Depending on food availability and each individual's condition, a scout may refuse the queen's entreaties and even run away from her.

19) All these factors are influenced by farm enterprise selection and management, together with seasonal pasture availability and market conditions that vary from year to year.

20) Your college accommodation office should be able to advise about local availability, conditions, etc.

21) Boat hire is available all year round subject to availability and conditions, prices start from just £15

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