
auxin transport in a sentence

1) Fruits form abnormal morphologies when auxin transport is disturbed.

2) Basipetal polar auxin transport through a plant's stem is a central driver for branching.

3) The plant compass: dynamic AGC kinase signalling complexes that orient development by directing auxin transport.

4) Primordial morphogenesis on the other hand depends both on auxin transport and the microtubule cytoskeleton.

auxin transport example sentences

5) This approach has led to the identification of genes required for auxin biosynthesis, auxin transport and auxin response.

6) However, there is evidence that in some plants flavonoids play a role as endogenous regulators of auxin transport.

7) To identify sweet pepper lines from a mutant population based on their auxin transport profile and branching phenotypes. 4.

8) His development with Philip Rubery of the chemiosmotic model of polar auxin transport has been described as "astonishingly visionary".

9) Finally, we are studying a protein kinase that is required for efficient auxin transport and data will be presented suggesting a cross-talk between this kinase and the GA signaling pathway.

10) The genetic, molecular and biochemical interaction of these components demonstrate that auxin biosynthesis and auxin transport function together to control plant development.

11) The chemiosmotic hypothesis postulates that auxin transport is accomplished by the action of auxin influx and efflux carriers, which are localized at the plasma membrane of transporting cells.

12) It is achieved through very complex and well coordinated active transport of auxin molecules from cell to cell throughout the plant body – by the so-called polar auxin transport.

13) They also help delay senescence of tissues, are responsible for mediating auxin transport throughout the plant, and affect internodal length and leaf growth.

14) While at Cambridge, together with Philip Rubery, he discovered the mechanism of polar auxin transport, the process by which the plant hormone auxin is carried from the shoots towards the roots.

example sentences with auxin

15) auxin transport - developmental output of subcellular dynamics

16) auxin transport and the uneven distribution of auxin

17) Interference with auxin transport (with high auxin concentrations)

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