
auxiliary engine in a sentence

1) The seven-cylinder auxiliary engine was brought back to life in 1975.

2) The auxiliary is a vehicle, carrying an auxiliary engine and a booster engine.

auxiliary collocations
3) Its auxiliary engine of 220 horse-power was capable of speeds up to 7 kn.

4) A few towed guns have been given limited self-propulsion by means of an auxiliary engine.

auxiliary engine example sentences

5) The fifth auxiliary engine was also left out as it was rarely used in actual operation.

6) The other two auxiliary engines drove compressors for the compressed air fuel and ballast transfer system.

7) It drives two pairs of millstones, with a third pair driven by an auxiliary engine.

8) Many of the chain steamers without their own auxiliary engines had different gearing for moving upstream and downstream.

9) This removed a major problem of the Scorpion - the outside auxiliary engine with its vulnerable operator.

10) The "Gauss" had three masts and one auxiliary engine of 275 horsepower (205 kW).

11) Two of its auxiliary engines and its auxiliary boiler will be modified so they can be fuelled by LNG.

12) Holes in the deck plating, crystallized valves and decrepit auxiliary engines augured an expensive refit as well as conversion.

13) In addition to the main engine for hauling the chain, most of the later chain boats had an auxiliary engine.

14) The other vessel, the BEAR OF OAKLAND, was a romantic looking 19th century sailing ship with auxiliary engines.

example sentences with auxiliary

15) In addition to faster downstream travel times, the auxiliary engine also enabled steering corrections during chain operations and simplified turning manoeuvres.

16) This has been fitted as an auxiliary engine in the British Chieftain and Challenger battle tanks and Rapier anti aircraft missile systems.

17) The ship cost 500,000 Marks (around £25,000), she was a barquentine, 152 feet long with a beam of 37 feet and a 325hp auxiliary engine (sail was still the main means of propulsion).

18) Both the primary and auxiliary engines are dual fuel designs, but the vessel will operate primarily on LNG, while retaining the ability to switch to conventional fuels if so required.

19) While the rest of the crew ineffectively scrambles to drop the anchor, Edgar Hansen switches over to the auxiliary engine and restores power to the boat.

20) As the bulk carrier waited at anchor the Chief Engineer, Sam Mitchell, used the time to carry out maintenance work on the ship's auxiliary engines.

21) Reporting guidelines are not required until 2012, however fleets can take advantage of Agricultural Vehicle Provisions or to meet requirements for Tier 0 auxiliary engines in street sweepers.

22) A third pair of 4 ft 6 in diameter French Burr "millstones" is located on a hurst frame, driven by the auxiliary engine via a fast and loose pulley.

23) Other work undertaken by the apprentices involved repairing some frost damage to the foundation brickwork, digging a drainage trench around the mill and moving the auxiliary engine into position.

24) This fuel was used at blends from 7% to 100% in an auxiliary engine on a month-long trip from Bremerhaven, Germany to Pipavav, India in Dec 2011.

25) Together with Midshipman Frame, he uses the heat from the entry into the Earth's atmosphere to restart the ship's auxiliary engines.

26) The stationary steam engines were 40 hp vertical engines operating in pairs. 12 hp auxiliary engines were provided at each engine house for water pumping and other purposes.

27) She was a small ship, 125 tons according to Huntford, with sail and auxiliary engine power purportedly capable of making eight knots, but in fact rarely making more than five-and-a-half.

28) The hull was massively reinforced to withstand the pressures of Antarctic ice, and the ship was re-rigged as a barque with auxiliary engines.

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