
autopsy in a sentence

1) The autopsy report is still being processed.

2) The autopsy reports were kept secret until 2001.

autopsy collocations
3) An autopsy was ruled inconclusive last month.

4) The autopsy revealed he had 24 wounds .

autopsy example sentences

5) Physical examination and autopsy required provision 11.

6) An independent autopsy showed he was shot six times.

7) The victims' heads were removed during autopsy.

8) An autopsy confirmed the identity of both girls.

9) Efforts for getting an autopsy report are continuing.

10) The body was sent for an autopsy.

11) An autopsy revealed that the cause was anthrax.

12) I wanted information on these newly discovered autopsy photographs.

13) His family disagrees and pressed for another autopsy.

14) An autopsy report by the state medical examiner is pending.

example sentences with autopsy

15) The university is expected to report the autopsy within four days.

16) An autopsy revealed he choked to death.

17) Jamaican police performed an autopsy which was deemed inconclusive.

18) The body was buried on prison grounds following the autopsy.

19) An autopsy shows the cause of death is drowning.

20) Local news media said an autopsy revealed a puncture wound.

21) An autopsy was underway to confirm the identification .

22) Lincoln's autopsy was performed by military personnel.

23) The autopsy report still wasn't turned over.

24) A preliminary autopsy found Hurd died of multiple stab wounds .

25) An autopsy is scheduled for Monday morning.

26) An autopsy was inconclusive, officials said Sunday.

27) Often the police were vindicated before autopsies were completed.

How to use autopsy in a sentence

28) Yes, the autopsy officially came out.

29) According to authorities, an autopsy is being conducted.

30) An autopsy was expected to be completed Tuesday.

31) Branson also said an autopsy has not been completed.

32) What are the details of the autopsy?

33) An autopsy disclosed that he had died of drowning.

34) Greene says he has a pathologist reviewing the autopsy results.

35) An autopsy verified that she had been stabbed to death.

36) The autopsy found no drugs in his system.

37) An autopsy revealed that the man died of drowning.

38) He testified about the autopsy during the murder trial.

39) The child's mother refused to allow an autopsy.

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