
autonomy power in a sentence

1) And the rewards of autonomy or power or recognition are stimulated and partly satisfied.

2) The military power apparatus was less popular and the middle class had more autonomy and power .

autonomy collocations
3) They included clauses to devolve power by increasing the autonomy and economic power of local councils.

4) In contrast, other families assume responsibility for all tasks and do not allow the teen autonomy or decision-making power .

autonomy power example sentences

5) Instead of Armenian autonomy in these regions, Kurds (Kurdish tribal chiefs) retained much of their autonomy and power .

6) He also promised to Kings of Limbu kingdoms that they would get full autonomy and power to rule their own kingdoms.

7) However, the issue of Corsican autonomy and greater powers for the Corsican Assembly continues to hold sway over Corsican politics.

8) A generally liberal minded atmosphere that had pervaded Mexico since independence led to generous grants of local autonomy and limited central power .

9) It might include greater autonomy and power for political coalitions of the various trade unions in local areas, rather than the more stultifying dominance of the international unions now.

10) Access to credit gave women not just more control over household assets, but also more autonomy and decision-making power and greater participation in public life.

11) However, neither the Confederation nor the adoption of the title of "Dominion" granted extra autonomy or new powers to this new federal level of government.

12) Prashant Bhushan stated that the Lokpal should have full autonomy and power to prosecute all public servants, and that this principle was non-negotiable.

13) Nearly all of these policies increased the autonomy and decision-making power of the various economic units and reduced the direct role of central planning.

14) One major influence is the desire to be modern and keep up with latest fashion or refusal to do so as a source of autonomy and power .

example sentences with autonomy

15) It was a question of restoring the autonomy and power of the priestly class in the face of increasing control by the warrior class.

16) A dedication to career goals of autonomy or power or recognition (or some combination of these) takes over from the parental concern for comfort, structure and relationships.

17) The high-achiever, fast-track graduate employees will no longer rank relationships as the most significant goal - autonomy or power or recognition will be the dominant goal.

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