
autonomous territory in a sentence

1) Each of the two autonomous internal territories has two senators.

2) Confessional communities on local issues were functioning like the autonomous territories .

autonomous collocations
3) The Czechoslovak delegation offered Hungary the creation of an autonomous Hungarian territory within Slovakia.

4) It changed the status of blacks to citizens of one of the ten autonomous territories .

autonomous territory example sentences

5) In 1525 he was appointed governor of the autonomous territory of Pánuco in 1525.

6) Initially it was an autonomous territory under French rule known as the "Alawite territories".

7) The 1848 revolution in Austria lead to the establishment of the autonomous territory of Serbian Vojvodina.

8) The flag of the Guna Yala autonomous territory of Panama is based on a swastika design.

9) Gagauzia was eventually peacefully incorporated into Moldova as an autonomous territory, but relations with Transnistria soured.

10) However, Stamford failed to gain such status–perhaps because of the nearby autonomous territory of Rutland.

11) Georgia had three autonomous territories in Soviet times: Abkhazia, Adjara, and South Ossetia.

12) Like other lords, the viscount of Limoges became an autonomous territory, administered by viscount Foucher.

13) But it was not a unified region as several lords and churches had jurisdiction over their own autonomous territories .

14) Atassi's treaty guaranteed emancipation over 25 years, with full incorporation of previously autonomous territories into Greater Syria.

example sentences with autonomous

15) The cities of Comrat and Tiraspol, the administrative seats of the two autonomous territories also have municipality status.

16) On 1 December 1958, Ubangi-Shari became an autonomous territory within the French Community as the Central African Republic.

17) He became the autonomous territory's first Prime Minister and intended to serve as the first President of the independent CAR.

18) On May 28 Demirel opened a new bridge between eastern Turkey and the autonomous territory of Nakhichevan (the Azeri enclave in Armenia - see also p. 38925) across the Aras river.

19) Members include: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the autonomous territories of Åland Islands (Finland), Faroe Islands (Denmark) and Greenland (Denmark).

20) The Māori of New Zealand lived in the autonomous territories of numerous tribes, called "iwi", before the arrival of British colonialists in the mid 19th century.

21) In 1968-1969, he led the French section of the Governmental Commission of France and Quebec during the creation of the autonomous territory of New Quebec, now called Nunavik.

22) All Nordic countries, including the autonomous territories of Faroe and Åland Islands, have a similar flag design, all based on the Dannebrog, the Danish flag.

23) According to this treaty Nakhichevan became "an autonomous territory under the auspices of Azerbaijan, under the condition that Azerbaijan will not relinquish the protectorate to any third party.

24) The League of Nations accepted the "fait accompli" and the Klaipėda Region was transferred as an autonomous territory to the Republic of Lithuania on February 17, 1923.

25) From 1002 (definitely 1041) onward Bohemian dukes and kings were vassals of the Holy Roman Emperors and Czech lands appertained to Holy Roman Empire as autonomous territory .

26) He succeeded in creating an autonomous territory in the Galilee, helped by the governors of Mount Lebanon (the Vilayet of Tyre), Egypt, Russia, and to some extent the consuls of France.

27) It includes the states of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, and their autonomous territories (Faroe Islands, Greenland and Åland).

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