
autonomous status in a sentence

1) It has been accorded autonomous status since 1989.

2) Its autonomous status was revoked in 1990.

autonomous collocations
3) The corporation enjoys autonomous status and has financial and managerial independence.

4) In 2004 the school was accorded autonomous status .

autonomous status example sentences

5) It was also awarded the autonomous status in 2006.

6) Ukraine restored Crimea's autonomous status in 1991.

7) Its autonomous status is highly important.

8) Many Abkhaz interpreted this as an abolition of their autonomous status .

9) In 1816 Bessarabia became an autonomous status, but only until 1828.

10) The school was granted autonomous status in 1990, with its own board of governors.

11) Conferred autonomous status by the University Grants Commission, India.

12) Together with Kosovo and Metohija, it enjoyed highly autonomous status between 1974 and 1990.

13) Saying that they are outer things involves the denial of the autonomous status of self-testimony.

14) The university is also among the 40 institutions granted autonomous status by CHED as of 2010.

example sentences with autonomous

15) In 1964, it gained its influence on government and gained autonomous status the same year.

16) As the seat of heir of the dynasty, Nitra kept its autonomous status until 1108.

17) After the India's independence in 1947, Meghalaya was given an autonomous status within Assam.

18) Both in BiƱan, Laguna received its autonomous status effective from July 25, 2012.

19) Evaluation is done by the faculty, a consequence of the autonomous status granted to the Institute.

20) As with the Soviet Union local languages and cultures were mostly encouraged and Xinjiang was granted autonomous status .

21) He was also the monarch of Finland, which had been annexed in 1809 and awarded autonomous status .

22) It was among the first six schools in Singapore to assume the ascendance to autonomous status in 1994.

23) However, as Finland was not willing to cede the islands, they were offered an autonomous status .

24) Regional military governors, known as Jiedushi, gained increasingly autonomous status while formerly submissive states raided the empire.

25) Out of these 47 are in the Government sector, 17 enjoy autonomous status and 41 are private colleges.

26) The PSU Infanta Campus became fully operational in June 1981 and earned its autonomous status in January 1983.

27) In October 1977, the Institution attained full autonomous status and has since then developed by leaps and bounds.

How to use autonomous in a sentence

28) The autonomous status of the university was approved on 11 March 2009 which will expire on 30 March 2014.

29) Having an autonomous status and intellectual freedom, the EUISS does not represent or defend any particular national interest.

30) Although Kuwait was nominally governed from Basra, the Kuwaitis had traditionally maintained a relative degree of autonomous status .

31) To be a behaviourist is to deny what Norman Malcolm calls the 'autonomous status ' of self-testimony.

32) Darjeeling is the headquarters of Darjeeling district which has a partially autonomous status within the state of West Bengal.

33) The Assam Reorganisation (Meghalaya) Act of 1969 accorded an autonomous status to the state of Meghalaya.

34) The island of Rodrigues used to be the country's tenth district before it gained autonomous status in October 2002.

35) The CBoC is granted autonomous status by Chile's National Constitution, providing credibility and stability beyond the political cycle.

36) With its autonomous status, the institute could now experiment, innovate and formulate its own curriculum and other activities.

37) They were granted autonomous status because of their distance from mainland Portugal, and their separate history as semi-colonial possessions.

38) By 30 June, Crimean Communists forced the Kiev government to expand on the already extensive autonomous status of Crimea.

39) UIT RGPV, an engineering institution established in 1986 as the Government Engineering College was granted autonomous status in 2010.

40) Encouraged by the Baghdad court, al-Amin began trying to subvert the autonomous status of Khurasan; Qasim was quickly sidelined.

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