
autonomous republic in a sentence

1) In 1945, his native province became an autonomous socialist republic .

2) In 1921, Crimea became an autonomous republic .

autonomous collocations
3) The Crimea had been an autonomous republic from 1921 to 1945.

4) Georgia is divided into 9 regions, 1 city, and 2 autonomous republics .

autonomous republic example sentences

5) Today, six of Russia's seven autonomous Caucasus republics are Muslim republics.

6) In the early 1960s Senegal became an autonomous republic within the French community.

7) Upper Volta became an autonomous republic in the French community on 11 December 1958.

8) The autonomous republic was renamed into a region, and Russians took over the territory.

9) Yet his own proposals published in January 1922 fell far short of an autonomous all-Ireland republic .

10) Congress delegates from South Ossetia and from the autonomous republic of Abkhazia boycotted the voting.

11) However, in 1931, Abkhazia was downgraded to the status an autonomous republic within Georgia.

12) In 1920, the area of present-day Kazakhstan became an autonomous republic within the Soviet Union.

13) Adjara is one of two autonomous republics of Georgia (the other being Abkhazia).

14) July 16, 1956 – Karelo-Finnish SSR downgraded into an autonomous republic and re-annexed by RSFSR.

example sentences with autonomous

15) The autonomous republic within Ukraine identifies as Russian and has been fighting back since parliament ousted Viktor Yanukovych.

16) Yeltsin gave a firm commitment to establishing an autonomous republic for ethnic Germans near the city of Volgograd.

17) Ukraine is subdivided into twenty-four oblasts (provinces) and one autonomous republic (), Crimea.

18) Kostava was exiled to Siberia, while Gamsakhurdia was exiled to the Russian autonomous republic of Dagestan.

19) Gorbachev, Yanayev and the presidents of the autonomous republics were also members of the Federation Council.

20) Two autonomous republics, Tatarstan and Chechen-Ingushetia, both refused to initial or sign the Federation Treaty.

21) Jämtland was originally an autonomous peasant republic, its own nation with its own law, currency and parliament.

22) In an uncontested election on June 12, Mintimer Shaymiyev was elected President of the Tatarstan autonomous republic .

23) Today Tataristan is an autonomous republic within the Russian Federation and the overwhelming majority of its people are Muslims.

24) In addition, small, autonomous republics led by holy men became a common form of government in the Maghrib.

25) The administrative structure of the Bashkir ASSR was based on principles similar to those of other autonomous republics of Russia.

26) Thank you Putin for comparing the Kosovo and Crimean independence referendums – both of which were 'autonomous republics '.

27) The republic comprised sixteen autonomous republics, five autonomous oblasts, ten autonomous okrugs, six krais, and forty oblasts.

How to use autonomous in a sentence

28) As in most of the smaller autonomous republics, the Soviet government encouraged the development of culture and particularly of literature.

29) November 28 – Chad, the republic of the Congo, and Gabon become autonomous republics within the French colonial empire.

30) Crimea is an autonomous republic of Ukraine located on the northern coast of the Black Sea, occupying the Crimean Peninsula.

31) Tripartite talks with representatives of the Russian autonomous republic of North Ossetia and of South Ossetia resulted in a temporary ceasefire.

32) The autonomous republics of Mari-El, Mordova and Yakutia, situated within the Russian Federation, held presidential elections during December.

33) It is a unitary, constitutional, presidential republic, comprising 12 provinces, 1 autonomous republic, and 1 independent city.

34) The CRA has its plenipotentiary officials in each union and autonomous republic and in every province, subordinate to the central CRA.

35) During November the mainly Moslem autonomous republic of Chechen-Ingushetia within the Russian Federation demanded its independence after a leadership change in August.

36) Tatarstan's Supreme Soviet also declared on Dec. 28 that the autonomous republic was joining the CIS with the status of co-founder.

37) Less than half of the Erzyans live in the autonomous republic of Mordovia, Russian Federation, Sura River and Volga River.

38) They have been exacerbated by rumours that ethnic Germans from Soviet Asia are to be moved into the Kaliningrad region and allowed to set up an autonomous republic there.

39) But it promises to be an unwieldy body, including the heads of 20 'autonomous republics ' as well as those presidents of the 15 fully fledged republics who agree to turn up to its meetings.

40) Anachronism aside, it's heartening to see that the autonomous republic has enshrined the concept of a state language distinct from Russian in its Constitution.

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